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TMYTEK TLKCore Documentation

  • TMYTEK general API for Windows/Linux platform.



TLKCore is a core service which inside the TMXLAB KIT(TLK/WEB-TLK), it integrates Python built libraries which developing mmWave( n257 / n258 / n260 / n261 ) beamforming and beam steering applications on BBox 5G Series(mmwave beamformer) and UDBox 5G Series(mmwave Up-down frequency converter) and other standard products developed by TMYTEK.

The .pyd format release is for Windows shared library and .so format release is for Linux shared library. Python is a cross-platform programming language, and we provide the basic Python example for all devices/platforms in the release package, and C/C examples for Linux platform in C_Cpp folder. Please refer to the sample code inside each folder for the specific programming language.



  • TLKCore is running on Windows/Linux PC, to communicate with standard products developed by TMYTEK via Ethernet/ComPort/USB cable.
  • (Optional) FBS part is optional solution to control BBox 5G series as fast beam steering. block


  • TLKCoreService is a entry point for developer, all of operations/functions must passed by TLKCoreService, e.g. scanDevices(), initDev().

  • TMYCommService is maintaining physical communications for all devices, it usually not handled directly by developer.

  • TMYUtils defines all data structure for return data, let developer more easier to know current status of processed function.

  • TMYPublic is a open source code, it defines all data structure which developer might used, e.g. RFMode(TX/RX), RetCode(OK/ERROR/...), UDState...etc.

  • (Optional) TMYBeamConfig is option solution for FBS (fast beam steering), it aims to parse assigned csv file to a dict structure and check beam configuration, please reference FBS

  • All files/function under tmydev/ are all operating logic of standard products

  • db/ used for WEB-TLK, developer could ignore it.


Latest Release & Examples


Python 3

Communication environment

Host PC can communicate with TMYTEK product through physical connection as the following items, most of products using Ethernet/RJ-45.


  • DHCP - Put the device and host PC in the LAN.

  • Static IP - Configure your network environment to IP:, and Subnet Mask Bits <= /24, likes:



  • Windows
    • Launch Device Manager
  • Linux
    1. lsusb to check your device.

    2. Create or extend /etc/udev/rules.d/99-tmytek-usb.rules including:

      SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1a86", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7523", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"
      SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2341", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0043", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"
    3. To add blacklist of ModemManager, please create or extend /lib/udev/rules.d/78-tmytek-usb.rules including:

      # Overwrite to 77-mm-usb-device-blacklist.rules
      ACTION!="add|change|move|bind", GOTO="mm_usb_device_blacklist_end"
      SUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="mm_usb_device_blacklist_end"
      # TMYTEK's PD
      ATTRS{idVendor}=="1a86", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7523", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
      ATTRS{idVendor}=="2341", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0043", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
    4. Try to reload udev rules.

      1. sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
      2. sudo udevadm trigger
      3. Re-plugin com port device.

USB (Optional)

Install USB driver if scan interface includes DevInterface.USB -> Installation Guides for all platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux
    1. lsusb to check your device.

    2. Follow steps to create or extend /etc/udev/rules.d/99-tmytek-usb.rules including:

      SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="601c", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"
    3. Try to reload udev rules or re-plugin USB devices.

      1. sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
      2. sudo udevadm trigger


  1. I called scanDevices() but can not find my device via Ethernet.

    • [Action] Please check the following steps
      1. Make sure your physical connection, PC-device or PC-Router-Device...etc.
      2. Make sure your network setting.
      3. Check your firewall disabled, if you must enable firewall, please enable outgoing/incoming UDP or enable whitelist UDP ports: 5025, 7025-7040
        • Windows
          • netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow UDP out" protocol=UDP dir=out localport=5025 action=allow
          • netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow UDP in" protocol=UDP dir=in localport=7025-7040 action=allow
        • Ubuntu
          • sudo ufw allow 5025/udp
          • sudo ufw allow 7025-7040/udp
        • CentOS
          • sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5025/udp --add-port=7025-7040/udp
          • sudo systemctl restart firewalld
  2. Where is my calibration table or antenna table(AA-Kit)?

    • [Action] They shall put on your USB FLASH, copy them to files/.