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Releases: thevpc/nuts

Nuts Package Manager v0.8.3.1

01 Feb 22:10
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This is a bug fixing release that ensures a set of applications are supported by nuts, such as jedit, mucommander etc...

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.8.3.1

  • UPDATED : move support to reporisoties "nuts-public" and "nuts-preview"
  • FIXED : Updated README
  • FIXED : {runtime} Fixed problem with dependency resolution whit maven's "import" scope
  • ROLLBACK : Rolled back test on maven-local
  • FIXED : Fixed nuts api without changing the version and without breaking the API, changes will be promoted to next version later thevpc 46 minutes ago
  • UPDATED : Updated .gitignore
  • FIXED : Fixed Help files
  • FIXED : Changed $* by $@
  • FIXED : Fixed NAF support in ncode
  • UPDATED : Updated TEST
  • FIXED : Fixed display of URL paths
  • PERF : Optimize Maven Dependency Resolver
  • FIXED : Fix reinstall so that it calls uninstaller component
  • FIXED : Fix recommendation connector API
  • FIXED : Fix Class Name resolution when using CGLIB
  • FIXED : Call clearLine before Progress
  • FIXED : Call resetLine before Log

Nuts Package Manager v0.8.3.0

05 Jan 00:04
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We are thrilled to announce v0.8.3 release of #nuts, the open source #java package manager intended to be #devops friendly.

This is a major version in Nuts Package Manager as it revisits all of it API's and provided a more solid foundation for multiple platforms including Windows Operating System.

Look at this location (at github repo) for a small intro


Features / Changes

  • WARNING : {api} API has evolved with incompatibilities with previous versions
  • ADDED : {runtime} now search --dry displays the search query plan
  • ADDED : {api} added command "settings install-log" to display installation logs
  • ADDED : {api} added NutsExpr to help parsing simple expressions (used or will be used in almost all commands)
  • CHANGED : {api} Simplified API
  • ADDED : {api} added NutsDescriptorFlag to match multiple descriptor info such as app, executable etc.
  • ADDED : {api} added NutsIOCopyAction.setSource(byte[]) and NutsIOHashAction.setSource(byte[])
  • ADDED : {api} removed NutsId.compatFilter and NutsVersion.compatFilter and replaced by compatNewer/compatOlder
  • ADDED : {api} replaced string messages with NutsMessage in NutsLogger
  • ADDED : {api} removed 'NutsInput' and 'NutsOutput'
  • ADDED : {api} removed 'NutsCommandlineFamily' and replaced by 'NutsShellFamily'
  • ADDED : {api} added 'NutsBootTerminal' to help nuts bootstrap using custom stdin/out end err
  • CHANGED : {api} added 'NutsHomeLocation' to replace compound key NutsOSFamily and NutsStoreLocation
  • ADDED : {api} added 'NutsPath.isDirectory' and 'NutsPath.isRegularFile'
  • CHANGED : {api} removed commandline options '-C' and '--no-color', you can use '--!color' instead
  • CHANGED : {api} removed commandline options '--no-switch' and '--no-progress', you can use '--!switch' and '--!progress' instead
  • CHANGED : {api} NutsResultList renamed to NutsStream and revamped with handy stream features and added ws.util.streamOf(...)
  • CHANGED : {api} replaced by NutsPath.builder.setExpanded(true)
  • REMOVED : {api} removed deprecated ClassifierMapping
  • REMOVED : {api} removed NutsTokenFilter (little to no interest)
  • REMOVED : {api} removed deprecated feature inheritedLog
  • ADDED : {api} NutsVal, a simple wrapper for strings and objects with helpful converters used in args, env, options and properties.
  • CHANGED : {api} changed descriptor to add maven profiles support, mainly added platform for dependency and added os/platform etc to property
  • ADDED : {api} added NutsShellFamily to support bash, csh, and other shell families
  • ADDED : {pom } add Manifest Entry 'Automatic-Module-Name' in all projects to support j9 module technology
  • FIXED : {impl} NutsFormat now creates any missing parent folder when calling print(Path/File) or println(Path/File)

What's Changed

  • [FIX] Fix Nuts installation in different shells by @bacali95 in #34
  • test by @amine-sakka in #33
  • Add OS shell to nuts info output by @bacali95 in #60
  • [FIXED] Question asked without display #62 by @thevpc in #83
  • [FIXED] Prepare for Better Gradle Integration #86 by @thevpc in #87
  • [FIXED] "ls -l --table format" #66 by @thevpc in #88
  • [FIXED] minimal archetype fails to create workspace (closing #84) by @thevpc in #90
  • [FIXED] cat file with syntax coloring (closing #85) by @thevpc in #92
  • Throw an error when passing no packages ids to nuts uninstall by @bacali95 in #95
  • Uncomment throwing exception when updating a non installed package by @bacali95 in #96
  • Use double quotes instead of simple ones for arguments escaping in Shell by @bacali95 in #97
  • Fix nuts exec throwing NullPointerException by @bacali95 in #100
  • Fix license command --json and --xml arguments usage by @bacali95 in #99
  • Add user confirmation before uninstalling by @bacali95 in #101
  • Fix exec and which behaviour when the command is unknown by @bacali95 in #102
  • Fix all commands help argument and reformat help texts by @bacali95 in #94
  • Refactor simplify api by @thevpc in #106
  • Fix JSON and XML output formatting for check-updates command by @bacali95 in #104
  • Bump jszip from 3.1.5 to 3.7.1 in /toolbox/nclown by @dependabot in #110
  • Bump path-parse from 1.0.5 to 1.0.7 in /toolbox/nclown by @dependabot in #109
  • Bump url-parse from 1.4.4 to 1.5.3 in /toolbox/nclown by @dependabot in #108
  • Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.3 in /website by @dependabot in #124
  • Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /website by @dependabot in #123
  • Bump algoliasearch-helper from 3.2.2 to 3.6.2 in /website by @dependabot in #122
  • Bump prismjs from 1.21.0 to 1.25.0 in /website by @dependabot in #121

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.8.2.1...v0.8.3


13 Oct 07:46
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This Tag reflects beta version published to stream.

date : 2021-10-13
status : BETA
api version : 0.8.3
rt version :
api digest : A2A9D1C670572244D31EF5FEC206BB34
rt digest : 109D9F2FA9882C5DEC49AEE774605813

CHANGE -LOG (0.8.3 versus 0.8.2):

  • WARNING : {api} API has evolved with incompatibilities with previous versions
  • ADDED : {api} added NutsIOCopyAction.setSource(byte[]) and NutsIOHashAction.setSource(byte[])
  • ADDED : {api} removed NutsId.compatFilter and NutsVersion.compatFilter and replaced by compatNewer/compatOlder
  • ADDED : {api} replaced string messages with NutsMessage in NutsLogger
  • ADDED : {api} removed 'NutsInput' and 'NutsOutput'
  • ADDED : {api} removed 'NutsCommandlineFamily' and replaced by 'NutsShellFamily'
  • ADDED : {api} added 'NutsBootTerminal' to help nuts bootstrap using custom stdin/out end err
  • CHANGED : {api} added 'NutsHomeLocation' to replace compound key NutsOSFamily and NutsStoreLocation
  • ADDED : {api} added 'NutsPath.isDirectory' and 'NutsPath.isRegularFile'
  • CHANGED : {api} removed commandline options '-C' and '--no-color', you can use '--!color' instead
  • CHANGED : {api} removed commandline options '--no-switch' and '--no-progress', you can use '--!switch' and '--!progress' instead
  • CHANGED : {api} NutsResultList renamed to NutsStream and revamped with handy stream features and added ws.util.streamOf(...)
  • CHANGED : {api} replaced by NutsPath.builder.setExpanded(true)
  • REMOVED : {api} removed deprecated ClassifierMapping
  • REMOVED : {api} removed NutsTokenFilter (little to no interest)
  • REMOVED : {api} removed deprecated feature inheritedLog
  • ADDED : {api} NutsVal, a simple wrapper for strings and objects with helpful converters used in args, env, options and properties.
  • CHANGED : {api} changed descriptor to add maven profiles support, mainly added platform for dependency and added os/platform etc to property
  • ADDED : {api} added NutsShellFamily to support bash, csh, and other shell families
  • ADDED : {pom } add Manifest Entry 'Automatic-Module-Name' in all projects to support j9 module technology
  • FIXED : {impl} NutsFormat now creates any missing parent folder when calling print(Path/File) or println(Path/File)

You can install this version as follows:

java -jar nuts.jar -r dev -w beta --switch -ZyS

Note that this will reset the beta workspace (hence will erase any existing beta version) and will switch/promote this version to system globals (nuts command in shell will point to this version). If this is not the intended behaviour please read documentation to adjust the appropriate command line options.


31 Aug 07:21
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[FIXED] Fixed issue related to running a local jar file
[FIXED] Fixed issue related to building jar file digest


24 Aug 22:28
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This is a Major version that introduces multiple changes :

  • ADDED: {api} added static methods of() in interfaces to simplify instantiation
  • ADDED: {api} parseLenient to all NutsEnum classes
  • CHANGED: {nadmin} removed nadmin and merged into runtime (tight coupling!!)
  • REMOVED: {api} removed session.formatObject() as the session is now propagated silently
  • CHANGED: {api} removed NutsApplicationLifeCycle and replaced with NutsApplication (an interface instead of a class)
  • ADDED : {api} added support for parsing pom.xml (MAVEN) along with *.nuts (nuts descriptors)
  • ADDED : {api} added io killProcess support
  • CHANGED: {api} added path API, implemented via nlib-ssh to add ssh support for paths
  • CHANGED: {all} remove dependencies, runtime has no dependencies, and others have the bare minimum
  • CHANGED: {api} session is from now on mandatory to perform any operation. A simple way to make it simple to use is to get a "session aware" workspace with session.getWorkspace()
  • ADDED : {api} added support for Yaml with minimal implementation
  • ADDED : {api} element now supports complex keys in Map Entries (Objects)
  • ADDED : {api}{cmdline} added support for History and implemented in JLine extension
  • ADDED : {api}{cmdline} added support for readline syntax coloring (using jline)
  • ADDED : {api}{cmdline} added --locale option to support multi languages. The option is reflected to Session as well
  • ADDED : {api}{cmdline} added ---key=value options to support extra properties
  • ADDED : {api}{cmdline} added -S short option, equivalent to --standalone
  • ADDED : {api}{cmdline} added NutsFormattedMessage to support formatted messages in a uniform manner (C-style, {} positional)
  • CHANGED: {api}{cmdline} both list and tree dependencies are now accessible as NutsDependencies
  • ADDED : {runtime} added support to community maven repositories : jcenter, jboss, spring, clojars, atlassian, atlassian-snapshot, google, oracle
    to use the repository you can add it as a permanent repository or temporary. here are some examples:
    • nuts nadmin add repository jcenter // add permanently the repository
    • nuts -r jcenter my-command // use temporarily the repository top run my-command
  • FIXED : {runtime} extension support (for JLine)
  • ADDED : {runtime} added minimal implementation for YAM
  • ADDED : {runtime} added fast implementation for JSON and removed gson dependency
  • CHANGED: {runtime} revamped Nuts Text Format to support simplified syntax but more verbose styles.
    Now supports #), ##), ###) and so on as Title Nodes.
    It supports as well the common markdown 'code' format with anti-quotes such as
    java code goes here...
    Other supported examples are:
    sh some command...
    error error message...
    kw someKeyword
  • CHANGED: {runtime} help files now have extensions ".ntf" (for nuts text format) instead of ".help"
  • ADDED : {njob} added --help sub-command
  • FIXED : {nsh} fixed multiple inconsistencies and implemented a brand new parser
  • REMOVED: {docusaurus-to-ascidoctor} tool fully removed as replaced by a more mature ndocusaurus
  • REMOVED: {ndi}, removed project, merged into nadmin
  • REMOVED: {nded}, removed project, temporarily code added to nadmin, needs to be refactored
  • ADDED : {ntalk-agent} new modules nlib-talk-agent (library) and ntalk-agent (application using the library) that enable client to client communication.
    nlib-talk-agent is a broker that helps communication between nuts components with minimum overhead.
    nlib-talk-agent enables one workspace to talk with any other workspace without having to create one server socket for each workspace.
    It also enables singleton per location implementation


14 Sep 13:25
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- FIXED  : reset stdout line when calling external processed
- FIXED  : fixed several display issues.


26 Jul 21:25
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- ADDED  : NutsApplicationContext.processCommandLine(...)
- ADDED  : NutsWorkspaceCommand.copySession()


08 Oct 08:08
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Release Date 2019/07/23
Download: nuts-0.5.7.jar
Main Release Features

  • Api Fixing Release
  • Bug Fixing Release


02 May 12:13
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  • Release Date 2019/04/21
  • Download: nuts-0.5.4.jar
  • Main Release Features
    - First support for lucene indexing facility
    - Removed dependencies
    - Several improvements