Documentation for the public APIs of The Grid.
The latest built version is at
For corrections, improvements file issues or pull requests in the the-grid/apidocs on Github.
Several code examples are available as command-line tools, and can be useful for scripting, testing or development. You will need to have node.js installed.
To install
npm install -g thegrid-apidocs
thegrid-authenticate # get a The Grid user token, for use with the other tools
thegrid-share-file myfile.jpg # share a file on disk to The Grid
thegrid-share-url # share article
thegrid-share-url nocompress # import all content of URL
thegrid-site-configure colors # show site config (here for colors)
thegrid-site-configure name "My new name" # set site config (here website title)
In addition to the human-readable documentation, a set of JSON Schemas are provided. These can can be used to validate payloads, generate test-cases etc.
You can install or depend on these using NPM
npm install thegrid-apidocs
JavaScript validation example (using tv4 library)
var tv4 = require('tv4');
var apidocs = require('thegrid-apidocs');
var myPost = ....
var postSchema = apidocs.getSchema('item');
var valid = tv4.validate(myPost, postSchema);
The descriptions of HTTP APIs are using Blueprint found in ./blueprint. These are human-readable but can also be used to set up mock servers etc using the various tools that consume Blueprint.
The schemas are tested for correctness using data-driven tests.
Each of the valid
and invalid
creates a testcase which ensures that the schema classifies it correctly.
The same examples are referenced in the Blueprint docs.