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hsocket is a simple app realtime.

  • Basic: You can using it like a serverless or can use like a micro service.
  • Simple: Simple flow looklike a service notification.
  • JS support: Integrated js client with support browser or nodejs enviroment.
  • Fast: You can run like a server very simple and fast.
  • Other: Can use like a broker realtime service.


Using golang

go get -v

JS client request wsclient


Simple flow

 --------       /ws      |            |    /ws         ---------- 
| client  --------------->     ws      --------------->  client  |
 --------   -subscribe   |            |   -broadcast   ---------- 
            unsubscribe   ------ ----- 
                                |/ws firer
                    |  other service(grpc) |
                    |  caller (rest)       |


  • Ws is a simple server between client and other realtime server. Ws just received message define Command, So server just listen request subscribe or unsubscribe from client.
  • other service is something connect to ws. We don't know. Ws can listen with endpoint \ws-firer with payload is a Message to broadcast to all client listen topic.
  • You can see my struct at core.go