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leetcode practice, commit and push whenever I solved new ones

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Hello to my place for coding practice. I'm a beginner trying to code better.


Notes taken from each problem, classified by the theme of the problems.

Dynamic Programming

Leetcode 198 - house robbers

The following code, which takes every two houses to rob, does not pass because we can have [2,1,1,2] , we cannot say one after the other is the best in this case.

int rob(vector<int>& nums) {
    int n = nums.size();
    int sum1=0, sum2=0;
    for (int i=0; i<n;i =2){
        sum1 =nums[i];
    for (int i=1; i<n;i =2){
        sum2 =nums[i];
    if (sum1 >= sum2){
        return sum1;
    else return sum2;

The subproblem or the recursive problem can be written as following:

rob=max(arr[0] rob[2:n], rob[1:n])

Either we rob the first one and starting from the one skipping the middle, either we don't rob the first one but we start from the second one.

Using dynamic programming, we can see that the subproblem can be that with an array [1 2 3 1], we either choose robbing 1 rob([3,1]), or we choose rob([2 3 1]) . We take the maximum of this.

We initialize this problem two variables storing the two choice values. and the answer is

int rob(vector<int>& nums) {
    int n = nums.size();
    //[rob1, rob2, nums[i]]
    int rob1=0, rob2=0;
    for (int i=0; i < n; i  ){
        int tmp = max(nums[i] rob1, rob2);
    return rob2;

With the help of video by Neetcode.

Two pointers

Leetcode121 - Best time to buy and sell stocks

Time moves in one direction. We do it with the technic of two pointers. Initialize the Left pointer and Right pointer from the first and second element in the array. When it is a lost, we move both the left and right to the right for 1 element.

When it's buying low and selling high, we can move just the right pointer.

Mind the case [2,1,2,1,0,1,2]. That once we met a negative profit, we need to update the left pointer to the position of the right pointer instead of just 1.

The following code passes. With the help of Neetcode.

int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {
    int n=prices.size();
    if (n==1) return 0;
    int left=0, right=1;
    int max_profit=0;
    for (right=1;right<n;right  ){
        if (prices[right]-prices[left]<0){
            continue; // means that right   already
        else if (prices[right]-prices[left]>max_profit){
            // update the profit
    return max_profit;

Leetcode11 - Container With Most Water

This is a code that works but exceeding the time limit, which is of complexity O(N^2):

int maxArea(vector<int>& height) {
    int n=height.size();
    int left=0, right=1;
    int max_area=0;
    for (left=0; left<n-1;left  ){
        //for left fix, move the right pointer
        for (right=left 1;right<n;right  ){
            int area=min(height[right],height[left])*(right-left);
            if (area > max_area){
    return max_area;


So the brut force doesn't work. We use two pointers.

Since we want the area to be as big as possible, we initiate the left pointer at the very left, the right pointer at very right. Shift the pointer that has lower height. Closing in from both sides to the middle.

This is a code that works, with linear time complexity:

int maxArea(vector<int>& height) {
    int n=height.size();
    int left=0, right=n-1;
    int max_area=0;
    while (right > left){
        int area = (right-left)*min(height[right],height[left]);
        if (area>max_area) max_area = area;
        if (height[left]<height[right]){
            left  ;
    return max_area;


Leetcode383 Ransom note

Establishing a hashmap for magazine and get a count-down for ransomNote.

Leetcode205 Isomorphic Strings

This code passes.

bool isIsomorphic(string s, string t) {
    map<char, vector<int>> s_map, t_map; // the char and the corresponding positions
    int n=t.length();
    int i=0;
//    map<char, vector<int>>::iterator it_s, it_t;
    while (i<n){
        if (s_map.find(s[i])==s_map.end() && t_map.find(t[i])==t_map.end()){
            // new letter in the map
        else if (s_map.find(s[i])==s_map.end() || t_map.find(t[i])==t_map.end()){
//            cout<<"second reached"<<endl;
            return false;
            if (s_map[s[i]] != t_map[t[i]]){
//                cout<<"third reached"<<endl;
                return false;
        i  ;
    return true;



leetcode practice, commit and push whenever I solved new ones






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