This project is to find the ground state and to show how ferromagnetic square lattice converts to paramagnetic square lattice with increase in magnetic disorder,and to find the ground state in random field ising model using min-cut maxx-flow theorem (push-relabel) and H.k clustering method.
Lattice size: 40 X 40
Other parameters for simulation:-
#define VER 40 // width of lattice matrix. for ex 6*6 lattice
#define latt_pc 1 // percentage of lattice points where atom exist
#define upspin_pc 0.5 // percentage of upspin in lattice
#define w 1 // omega(w) for bimmodal distribution of Bi in eq 6.1
#define N VERVER // width of edge matrix. for ex 3636 edges
#define V N 2 // source sink
//delta is multipling factor with Bmat
#define del_beg 0
#define del_end 40 // actually 4.0
#define del_inc 2 // actually 0.2
result of simulation 1:
red stands for upspin
blue stands for downspin
Ferromagnetic domain starts to breaks to smaller domains at external magnetic field w=0.8
after w=2.0 all bigger domains breaks into very tiny domains