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ACARS CPDLC For FlightGear Aircraft


This is an ACARS and CPDLC system, intended for FlightGear aircraft developers to include in aircraft models. It provides the entire logic necessary for a working ACARS CPDLC system, but there is no user interface - you will have to add this yourself, typically by interfacing this system with your aircraft's FMS.

If you are not developing aircraft models for FlightGear, then this package will be useless to you - this is not an addon, it is not a patch that will magically add ACARS and CPDLC to any aircraft.

Installation / Adding To An Aircraft

  1. Copy all the Nasal files in ./Nasal into your aircraft directory, under ./Nasal.
  2. Open the aircraft-common-dist.xml file, and add its contents to your aircraft -set.xml.
  3. Write code to interface with the ACARS and CPDLC systems. See below.
  4. Document things.

Transport Backends

ACARS and CPDLC cover a range of services, and to implement these, this simulation supports multiple data sources for each of them.

CPDLC Backends

  • HOPPIE: uses the Hoppie ACARS plugin, if installed, available from The minimum supported version is 0.2.0. This will connect to Hoppie's ACARS system, the ACARS system used by VATSIM and other online environments.
  • FGMP: uses the IRC CPDLC implementation built into FG Core. Note that this backend does not provide MIN/MRN, so replies are linked to requests based on a very simple heuristic; it is recommended to avoid having more than one dialog open at any time, as the system may otherwise match replies to the wrong requests.
  • NONE: disable CPDLC functionality.

TELEX Backends

  • HOPPIE: use the Hoppie ACARS plugin for TELEX and PDC messages.
  • NONE: disable TELEX and PDC.

Weather Backends (METAR, TAF, SHORTTAF)

  • HOPPIE: use the Hoppie ACARS plugin to fetch VATSIM weather.
  • NOAA: fetch weather information over HTTP from (this is the same source from which FG itself pulls live weather)
  • NONE: disable weather information
  • AUTO: use the HOPPIE backend if available, NOAA otherwise.

ATIS Weather Backends

  • HOPPIE: use the Hoppie ACARS plugin to fetch ATIS for an active airport on VATSIM (vatatis message type). This will only work if a controller is providing ATIS services on VATSIM for the selected airport.
  • DATIS: use the FAA's D-ATIS service to fetch ATIS for one of the supported US airports. D-ATIS provides no information for non-US airports. Note that these are real-world ATIS information, so if you want to fly on VATSIM, use with care (and especially note that the ATIS letters will not match those on VATSIM).
  • NONE: disable ATIS information
  • AUTO: use the HOPPIE backend if available, DATIS otherwise.

API Documentation

Property Interface

The /acars subtree

/acars/telex/sent, /acars/telex/received


History of sent and received messages. Each message is stored under a property node named by the unique message ID ("m" ~ serial, see below); its children are:

  • type - one of TELEX, ATIS, METAR, TAF, SHORTTAF.
  • serial - the raw message serial.
  • from - the sender of the message (received messages only)
  • to - the recipient of the message (sent messages only)
  • text - message text
  • timestamp - sent/received timestamp in YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS format
  • status - textual status of the message


Total number of unread TELEX messages.



Serial (not message ID!) of the newest unread TELEX message.


Fields used for sending PDC messages (Pre-Departure Clearance):

  • facility - the code of the recipient (usually the 4-letter ICAO code of the airport you are departing from)
  • origin - departure airport (pre-filled to departure airport of current flightplan, or current location if no flightplan was loaded)
  • destination - arrival airport (pre-filled to destination airport of current flightplan, if any)
  • fltID - callsign (pre-filled from sim/multiplay/callsign)
  • acType - aircraft type
  • atis - ATIS letter; optional
  • gate - current parking position; optional

Fields used for sending TELEX messages:

  • to - the code of the recipient. This can be an aircraft callsign, a ground station code, a 3-letter ICAO airline code, etc.
  • text - plain text to be sent. Realistically, this should only contain characters specified in the TELEX standard, though no validation is performed to this extent.

Fields used for sending information requests (ATIS, METAR, TAF, SHORTTAF):

  • station - the code of the station to query (usually the 4-letter ICAO airport code)
/acars/availability/telex, /acars/availability/atis, /acars/availability/weather


Boolean fields that indicate whether the corresponding ACARS service is currently available. You may want to use these to turn menu items on the CDU on or off according to their availability.

The /cpdlc subtree



Status of the datalink connection. 1 = datalink up, 0 = datalink down or not available.



Logon status. Constants are defined for these in Nasal:

  • LOGON_NO_LINK = -4 (Transport is not available, cannot logon)
  • LOGON_NO_LOGON_STATION = -5 (No logon station selected, can't logon)
  • LOGON_FAILED = -2 (Last logon attempt did not succeed)
  • LOGON_NOT_CONNECTED = -1 (Currently disconnected, connecting possible)
  • LOGON_OK = 0 (Logged on successfully)
  • LOGON_ACCEPTED = 2 (Logon accepted, wait for CURRENT DATA AUTHORITY message)
  • LOGON_SENT = 1 (Logon request sent, no reply received)


Boolean, for convenience: reflects active datalink and valid logon, i.e. logon-status == LOGON_OK. You can use this to show or hide CPDLC functionality on the CDU.



The current data authority, i.e., the station that you are logged on to.


The station to log on to. You would normally set this before requesting a logon; once the logon succeeds, the logon-station becomes the current-station.



The station that the CPDLC is currently attempting to log on to during a handover. Once the logon succeeds, the next-station becomes the current-station. Handovers are always triggered by ATC.



List of message IDs, both uplinks and downlinks, ordered by timestamp. Message IDs reference messages in the messages subtree.



The actual messages as they have been sent / received.



Number of unread uplinks.



Message ID of the newest unread uplink.



Signal property; this will flip to 1 for 100 milliseconds when a new uplink arrives. Useful for triggering alert sounds.



String representation of the currently selected CPDLC driver.

Nasal APIs

The cpdlc Namespace

The cpdlc.system Object
  • driver - the currently selected driver object, or nil if no driver is currently active. You should not normally need to use this directly.
  • setDriver(driver) - select the driver (see above).
  • getDriver() - return the currently selected driver name
  • listDrivers() - return a vector of available driver names
  • updateDatalinkStatus() - test the datalink, and set the /cpdlc/datalink-status property accordingly.
  • connect(logonStation=nil) - send a logon request to the specified logonStation, or the station in /cpdlc/logon-station if unspecified.
  • disconnect() - send a logoff message.
  • send(msg) - send a CPDLC message (see below)
  • markMessageRead(messageID) - marks an uplink message as read
  • clearHistory - empty the entire message history
The cpdlc.Message class
  • timestamp (string): time sent/received, UTC, in HHMM format
  • min (int): Message Identification Number. Generated by the CPDLC system for downlinks, parsed from uplink messages.
  • mrn (int): Message Reference Number. Points to the MIN of the message that this message is a reply to. nil if message is not a reply.
  • parts (vector): individual message parts. Each part has the following fields:
    • type (string): one of the CPDLC message codes documented in ICAO 4444 (see message-types.nas for a list of supported codes and suggested formattings) args (vector): list of string arguments. The required arguments depend on the message type.
  • to (string): message recipient
  • from (string): message sender
  • dir (string): 'up' (uplink, ATC to aircraft), 'down' (downlink, aircraft to ATC), or 'pseudo' (system-generated events that are not actual CPDLC messages).
  • valid (bool): whether the message is valid (all required arguments present).
  • status (string): one of:
    • 'NEW': this is an unread message that may or may not require a reply.
    • 'OLD': this is a message that has been read and does not require a reply.
    • 'SENDING': this message is currently being sent.
    • 'RESPONSE RECVD': this is a downlink message for which a response has been received.
    • 'OPEN': this is a message that requires a reply, but hasn't been replied to.
    • 'RESPONDED': this is an uplink message that requires a non-specific or yes/no reply (RA = Y or AN), and a reply has been sent.
    • 'REJECTED': this is an uplink message that requires a specific reply (RA = WU or R), and a negative reply ("UNABLE") has been sent.
    • 'ACCEPTED': this is an uplink message that requires a specific reply (RA = WU or RA = R), and a positive reply ("ROGER" or "WILCO") has been sent.
  • toNode(node=nil) (Node): convert message to a property node. If no property node is given, create and return a new one, otherwise, overwrite argument.
  • fromNode(node) (Message): construct a new message object from a property node.
  • getMessageType(partIndex=0) (hash): Look up the message type for the specified partIndex. (See Nasal/cpdlc/message-types.nas for message type definitions).
  • getRA() (string): find the effective RA for the message.
  • getMID() (string): get the message ID for this message.

Note that MessageID is not the same as MIN: the MIN is just a number, while the MessageID also contains the direction of the message (uplink, downlink, or pseudo). MessageID's are used for referencing messages internally within the local system; MIN's and MRN's are used to cross-reference messages on the CPDPLC network.

The acars.system object
  • isAvailable() (bool): whether the currently selected TELEX backend is up.
  • isAtisAvailable() (bool): whether the currently selected ATIS backend is up.
  • isWeatherAvailable() (bool): whether the currently selected weather backend (METAR, TAF, SHORTTAF) is up.
  • updateAvailabilities() (void): check current backend availabilities and update properties.
  • receive(msg=nil) (void): process an incoming message. This method is used internally to automatically process messages from the backend, so you don't normally have to call it yourself, but if you wish to inject "fake" messages into the ACARS system, you can use this method.
  • sendTelex(to=nil, txt=nil) (bool): send a TELEX message to recipient to, with text content txt. If not given to and/or txt are read from the corresponding properties in /acars/telex-dialog/.
  • sendInfoRequest(what, station=nil) (bool): send an information request. what determines the type of request: atis, metar, taf, or shorttaf.
  • injectSystemMessage(from, packet) (void): create and inject a "system" message.
  • clearTelexDialog() (void): clear out the /acars/telex-dialog fields.
  • completePDC(pdc) (PDC): given a PDC hash, complete the missing fields from the corresponding properties in /acars/pdc-dialog.
  • pdcValid(pdc) (bool): check whether a PDC hash is valid (all required fields given).
  • validatePDC(pdc=nil): sets the /acars/pdc-dialog/valid property based on the validity of the provided PDC, and/or properties in /acars/pdc-dialog.
  • sendPDC(pdc=nil) (bool): sends a PDC (Pre-Departure Clearance) request by TELEX. Missing fields are read from /acars/pdc-dialog. If no PDC object is given, all fields are read from /acars/pdc-dialog.
  • clearHistory(): deletes everything in the TELEX history.


CPDLC library for FG aircraft authors.







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