Acceptance Criteria:
- Post short messages, 250 char limit, and see all messages after posting.
- Random, but unique usernames.
Track all messages in database for 10 days, but clear any after that.
Extra credit:
- Bad words filter to change an array of bad words to be censored.
- Applications should have a config file & logging system.
- Application should be able to limit connected users.
First off, you'll need a running postgresql, nginx, and python3! I leave configuring those as an exercise for the user. You can configure the site http://chat.local by using the nginx conf file at ./conf/chat.local
Make ./configure executable, then run it, it just creates the CONFIG
sudo chmod ug x ./configure
Modify CONFIG as suits you.
The app will createdb ca
to create a new database and dump in the blank tables, via make install
or make install-db
make install
make run
Still TODO:
- Pull chats from an api database
- Put/post chats into api.
- Randomized username for api.
You can run the standard
make install
Above to get the latest version of the code and run it.