Storing ontologies/vocabularies from the web. Wish anybody can translate some of them.
A basic service and knowledge platform focusing on chinese semantic knowledge.
- human disease: https://github.com/DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology
- plant: https://github.com/Planteome/plant-ontology
- schema.org: https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg
- Semantic science: https://github.com/micheldumontier/semanticscience
- UMBEL (Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer): https://github.com/structureddynamics/UMBEL
- UK Parliament: https://github.com/ukparliament/ontologies
- w3id.org: https://github.com/perma-id/w3id.org
- The Basic Formal Ontology (BFO): https://github.com/BFO-ontology/BFO
- The ACGT Master Ontology
- The CHRONIOUS Ontology Suite:
- Middle Layer Ontology for Clinical Care (MLOCC)
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Ontology (COPD)
- Chronic Kidney Disease Ontology (CKD)
- HDOT(Health Data Ontology Trunk): https://github.com/ifomis/hdot