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100% Pure Javascript
All vanilla with no dependencies, or use official wrappers for the component framework of your choice
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Interface will automatically resize if the image size changes because of responsive CSS rules.
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Touch Support
Touch support tested with Android, iOS, and Chromebook. Mouse and touch are simultaneous and automatic.
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Multiple Crops
Single cropping widgets are so boring widgets on the same stage are the doorway to advanced interfaces.
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Clean open source
Webpack'd for your convenience, the full source code is open, easy to develop with, and MIT licensed.
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Advanced Control
Create complex interactivity that transcends mere cropping using the well-documented API.
MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2008-2018 Tapmodo Interactive LLC



  • Easily attach to any DOM element unobtrusively
  • Uses native events to coordinate behaviors
  • Crop elements can be constrained to a given ratio
  • Clean, commented source code
  • Full in-depth documentation
  • Keyboard support for arrow keys, deletion
  • Touch support for tablets and mobile

Jcrop Guide

Internal Objects