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Lambda-Calculus cooked n-ways

This repository is focussed on capture-avoiding substitution and alpha-equivalence for the untyped lambda calculus. It contains benchmarks and implementations of many different implementation strategies and existing libraries for binding support.

History: The repo was inspired by and initially derived from Lennart Augustsson's unpublished draft paper "Lambda-calculus Cooked Four Ways" and was originally forked from

For an overview of the n-implementations available here, see here.

For a general overview of the project see the slides: ifl-2021.pptx. The plan for this talk is also available: - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Compiling the library

This library can be compiled using the stack tool, using resolver: This LTS pins the implementation to GHC version 8.8.3, which is the most recent implementation of GHC supported by the RepLib and Unbound libraries. More recent versions of GHC can be used for benchmarking if Unbound is removed from the test suite.

The command:

stack build

will compile the library and produce the executable that can be used for benchmarking.

Selecting the implementations to run

The source module Suite imports all of the implementations and creates the test/benchmark suite. Modify the variable impls in this file to include or exclude various implementations from testing and benchmarking.

Running the test suite

The correctness of the implementations is ensured through quickcheck and unit testing. The module Main in the test/ subdirectory defines these tests. To run them:

stack test

The directory lams/ contains files of non-normalized lambda-calculus terms that can be used for testing and for benchmarking. In each case, if the file is test.lam then a matching file contains the normalized version of the term.

Unit tests based on normalization:

  • a single large term (lennart.lam).
  • random terms with a small number of substitutions during normalization (onesubst, twosubst...)
  • random terms with a large number of substitutions during normalization (random15, random20)
  • specially constructed terms (capture10, constructed20)
  • terms that reveal a bug in some implementation (tX, tests, regression)


  • conversion from/to named representation is identity on lambda terms
  • freshened version of random lambda term is alpha-equivalent to original
  • normalization on randomly-generated lambda term matches a reference version

Running the benchmark suite

Overally, the harness is extremely fiddly and requires editing Main, Suite, and the Makefile to control what implementations are benchmarked with what terms.

The entry point to the benchmark suite is defined by several targets in the Makefile. Each target produces criterion output in the results/XXX/YYY directory, where XXX is the name of the machine used to run the benchmark and YYY is the value of impls in Suite.

make timing  
   -- alpha equivalence, conversion to/from named rep

make normalize
   -- normalize large term
   -- normalize groups of 100 randomly generated lambda-terms

The benchmarks can also output to individual csv files (one per implementation) using the target. Note that the list in impls (in Suite) must be a superset of $(RESULTS) for this to work. However, you probably want to comment out the benchmarks in Main that you are not running to speed up the harness.

make csv  

Benchmark suite

The benchmark suite is defined in the module Main in the bench/ subdirectory. It defines several benchmark groups.

  1. rand: Normalization of random lambda terms:

The 100 randomly-generated terms stored in the file random15.lam.

  1. conv: Conversion to representation: conv_bench.html. How long does it take to convert a parsed named representation to the internal representation of the implementation? alpha-converts the pathological term.

  2. nf: Normalization of an extremely large lambda term: nf_bench.html. See below.

   bind depth: 25
   depth:      53
   num substs: 119697
  1. aeq: Alpha-equivalence of an extremely large lambda term: aeq_bench.html

  2. con: Normalization for 20 constructed lambda terms See file. Each term does a single substitution for an incrementally deeper free variable. This benchmark can be used to estimate the time complexity of the implementation in terms of the binding depth.

  3. capt: Normalization for 10 capturing lambda terms See file. This file substitutes, at increasing depth, a lambda term with a free variable that could be captured.

Normalization of a large lambda term

The benchmark is full normalization of the lambda-calculus term: factorial 6 == sum [1..37] 17 represented with a Scott-encoding of the datatypes. See lennart.lam for the definition of this term.

This "benchmarks" several different representations of variable binding and substitution in the untyped lambda calculus using a single pathological case: computing the normal form of factorial 6 == sum [1..37] 17. (Spoiler alert, these terms are not equal, so the normal form is the encoding of false).

By full normalization, we mean computing the following partial function that repeatedly performs beta-reduction on the leftmost redex.

  nf x         = x
  nf (\x.e)    = \x. nf e
  nf (e1 e2)   = nf ({e2/x}e1')         when whnf e1 = \x.e1'
                (nf (whnf e1)) (nf e2)       otherwise

  whnf x       = x
  whnf (\x.e)  = \x.e
  whnf (e1 e2) = whnf ({e2/x} e1') when whnf e1 = \x.e1'
                (whnf e1) e2            otherwise

Note: the goal of this operation is to benchmark the substitution function, written above as {e2/x}e1. As a result, even though some lambda calculus implementations may support more efficient ways of computing the normal form of a term (i.e. by normalizing e2 at most once) we are not interested in that. Instead, we want the computation to be as close to the implementation above as possible.

Because this function is partial (not all lambda-calculus terms have normal forms), for testing, each implementation also should support a "fueled" version of the nf and whnf functions (called nfi and whnfi, respectively). However, benchmarking uses the unfueled version.

Anatomy of an implementation:

Every implementation in this suite matches the following interface:

data LambdaImpl = forall a.
     NFData a =>
     { impl_name :: String,               -- module name
       impl_fromLC :: LC IdInt -> a,
       impl_toLC :: a -> LC IdInt,
       impl_nf :: a -> a,
       impl_nfi :: Int -> a -> Maybe a,
       impl_aeq :: a -> a -> Bool

Given some type for the implementation a, we need to be able to convert to and from that type to a "fully named" representation of lambda-terms. (Where the names are just represented by integers).

data LC v = Var v | Lam v (LC v) | App (LC v) (LC v)

Furthermore, we need to be able to normalize it, using the algorithm specified above, and limited by some amount of fuel (for testing). We also need a definition of alpha-equivalence.


Benchmarks for capture-avoiding substitution







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