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The goal of this library is to make working with the already incredible sveltekit-superforms even more pleasant, by wrapping it with accessible form components.


npm i formsnap sveltekit-superforms <your-schema-library>


You'll handle the initial Superforms setup just as you normally would, where you define a schema and return the form from your load function.

1. Define a Zod schema

// schemas.ts
import { z } from "zod";
export const settingsFormSchema = z.object({
	email: z.string().email(),
	bio: z.string().max(250).optional(),
	marketingEmails: z.boolean().default(true),
	language: z.enum(["en", "es", "fr"]).default("en"),
	theme: z.enum(["light", "dark"]).default("light"),

2. Return the form from your load function

//  page.server.ts
import { superValidate } from "sveltekit-superforms";
import { zod } from "sveltekit-superforms/adapters";
import type { PageServerLoad } from "./$types";
import { settingsFormSchema } from "./schemas";

export const load: PageServerLoad = async () => {
	return {
		form: await superValidate(zod(settingsFormSchema)),

3. Construct the form in your page

<script lang="ts">
	import { Field, Label, FieldErrors, Control, Description, Fieldset, Legend } from "formsnap";
	import { settingsFormSchema } from "./schemas";
	import { superForm } from "sveltekit-superforms"
	import { zodClient } from "sveltekit-superforms/adapters"

	export let data;

	const form = superForm(data.form, {
		validators: zodClient(settingsFormSchema),

	const { form: formData, enhance } = form;

<form method="POST" use:enhance>
	<Field {form} name="email">
		<Control let:attrs>
			<input type="email" {...attrs} bind:value={$} />
		<Description>We'll provide critical updates about your account via email.</Description>
		<FieldErrors />

	<Field {form} name="bio">
		<Control let:attrs>
			<textarea bind:value={$} {...attrs} />
		<FieldErrors />

	<Field {form} name="language">
		<Control let:attrs>
			<select {...attrs} bind:value={$formData.language}>
				<option value="en">English</option>
				<option value="es">Spanish</option>
				<option value="fr">French</option>
		<FieldErrors />

	<Field {form} name="marketingEmails">
		<Control let:attrs>
			<Label>Receive marketing emails from us</Label>
			<input type="checkbox" {...attrs} bind:checked={$formData.marketingEmails} />
		<FieldErrors />

	<Fieldset {form} name="theme">
		<Legend>Select your theme</Legend>
		{#each ["light", "dark"] as theme}
			<Control let:attrs>
				<input {...attrs} type="radio" bind:group={$formData.theme} value={theme} />
		<FieldErrors />

	<button type="submit">Submit</button>

Check out for more documentation.


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Published under the MIT license. Made by @huntabyte and community 💛


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