This is the admin web UI for HobbyFarm. This is a Single Page Application (SPA) developped with Angular.
A file placed at /config.json
will allow for runtime configuration (e.g., custom logos, themes, etc.).
"title": "HobbyFarm Administration",
"favicon": "/assets/default/favicon.png",
"login": {
"logo": "/assets/default/rancher-labs-stacked-color.svg",
"background": "/assets/default/vault.jpg"
"logo": "/assets/default/logo.svg"
To customize logos, mount them into the container at /usr/share/nginx/html/assets
, and then reference the file names in config.json
. Alternatively, you can reference files from an object store.
To modify Angular configuration for your local environment, copy src/environments/environment.local.example.ts
to src/environments/environment.local.ts
and update the variables as needed. This is particulary useful for environment.server
, to match your local gargantua server URL.
This web application needs gargantua (backend) to be working, look at gargantua for more information. The default authentification is admin/admin.
Execute from a terminal:
npm install
npm run start:local
The Angular server will start a watch loop and listen on localhost:4200.