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Gaute Hope edited this page Sep 29, 2015 · 23 revisions

Ruby Gems

Ensure Ruby and RubyGems are upgraded. And that you have a recent ncurses installed (see below), make sure your ruby version is supported by sup (>= 2.0) (currently Ruby versions other than 2.1.2 have problems).

Then install the sup gem:

$ gem install sup

Installing recent ncurses with wide character support

Set up e.g. homebrew using their installation instructions and use it to install ncurses:

$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew install ncurses
$ brew doctor

# To set up your system to use this version of ncurses in place of the system one
$ brew link ncurses # might require a --force

you should now be set for installing ncursesw-sup.

A useful tutorial for setting up homebrew with rvm and everything can be found at:

Troubleshooting ncurses issues

  • Make sure you have no other ncurses gems installed (#69)
  • Make sure that you run Ruby 1.9.3 or 2.1.2 (#191)

Sending Mail

Homebrew or MacPorts are package managers and software distribution systems. You can use MacPorts or Homebrew to install one of the null mailers (ssmtp, msmtp) discussed in this wiki.

Or setup your postfix similar to this.

Msmtp Mac specific notes

Install msmtp with brew install msmtp and create the .msmtprc file in your $HOME. Here is a basic msmtp configuration:

account        gmail
port           587
protocol       smtp
auth           on
from           [email protected]
user           [email protected]

To get SSL certificates set up, add the following lines to your .msmtprc:

tls            on
tls_trust_file /usr/local/opt/curl-ca-bundle/share/ca-bundle.crt

Receiving Mail

If you want to use OfflineIMAP (also availble in homebrew) you might need to use an updated version of python.

If you want to use mbsync/isync (available on Homebrew), install it with brew install isync and create the appropriate configuration file .mbsyncrc in your $HOME:

IMAPAccount          'your_mail_provider' # or whatever you wanna name your account
User                 [email protected]
Pass                 your_password
UseIMAPS             yes

IMAPStore            'your_mail_provider'_remote 
Account              'your_mail_provider' # or whatever you named it in the first line

MaildirStore         'your_mail_provider'_local
Path                 $HOME/Mail # path where you wanna store your mails locally
Inbox                $HOME/Mail/Inbox # check in your $HOME/Mail how your inbox is named, it can vary depending on your email provider

Channel              'your_email_provider' # or whatever you named your account
Master               :'your_mail_provider'_remote:
Slave                :'your_mail_provider'_local:
Patterns             * # wildcard to synchronise our entire mailbox
Create               Slave # this will create the appropriate folders locally
Syncstate            * # to store the sync state of each folders in each folder separately

Now you can download your mails locally with mbsync 'name_of_Channel'.

Command completion from OS X Address Book

run sup -l and make sure your version of sup supports the extra-contact-addresses hook. This is only tested against 10.6 (Snow Lepoard) copy and paste this into your ~/.sup/hooks/extra-contact-addresses.rb file:

 `sqlite3 -separator ':' ~/Library/Application\\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb "select e.ZADDRESSNORMALIZED,p.ZFIRSTNAME,p.ZLASTNAME,p.ZORGANIZATION from ZABCDRECORD as p,ZABCDEMAILADDRESS as e WHERE e.ZOWNER = p.Z_PK;" | awk -F":" '{print $2" "$3" "$4 , "<"$1">"}'`.each { |c|

That is a CRAZY long line, and in case things go badly, I'll explain what it does.. Basically you are querying the sqlite database that Address uses, and having it return a their Organization First and Last name, and of course their email address. This possibly returns multiple rows for each record out of the address book (1 per email address). This seems to work ok for this purpose.

After querying, we are using AWK to put it into something resembling the "Name <email>" format that sup wants it in. I just append the organization name to the Name part.

Alternative that only uses ruby. Requires sqlite3 gem being installed.

addressbook='~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb'
if File.exists?(File.expand_path(addressbook))
  require 'sqlite3'
  db =
  contacts = db.execute(sql).map {|c| "#{c[1]} #{c[2]} #{c[3]} <#{c[0]}>" }
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