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Gaute Hope edited this page Sep 29, 2015 · 6 revisions

sup stores your email sources in a YAML file called $HOME/.sup/sources.yaml. There are two ways to define sources: editing that file directly, or using the sup-add script.

Using the sup-add script

This is the safest way to add sources. Call sup-add --help to see the options.

$ sup-add --help
Adds a source to the Sup source list.

  sup-add [options] <source uri> 

where <source uri>  is one or more source URIs.

For mbox files on local disk, use the form:
    mbox:<path to mbox file>, or
    mbox://<path to mbox file>

For Maildir folders, use the form:
    maildir:<path to Maildir directory>; or
    maildir://<path to Maildir directory>

Options are:
                    --archive, -a:   Automatically archive all new messages from these sources.
                    --unusual, -u:   Do not automatically poll these sources for new messages.
  --sync-back, --no-sync-back, -s:   Synchronize status flags back into messages, defaults to true (Maildir sources only). (Default: true)
                 --labels, -l <s>:   A comma-separated set of labels to apply to all messages from this source
                  --force-new, -f:   Create a new account for this source, even if one already exists.
          --force-account, -o <s>:   Reuse previously defined account user@hostname.
                    --version, -v:   Print version and exit
                       --help, -h:   Show this message

For example, to add a new maildir source:

$ sup-add maildir:/home/User/Mail/Inbox
Adding maildir:/home/User/Mail/Inbox...
[2013-04-20 21:32:53  0200] Flushing Xapian updates to disk. This may take a while...

You can experiment with other options, e.g. to add labels automatically to mail from that source.

Editing sources.yaml directly

Executing the command above will add this to your sources.yaml:

- !,2006-10-01/Redwood/Maildir 
  uri: maildir:/home/User/Mail/Inbox
  usual: true
  archived: false
  id: 1
  labels: []

Using this information, you can add a second source manually, e.g. for the sup-talk mailing list. Entries will be archived and labelled with sup and list automatically:

- !,2006-10-01/Redwood/Maildir 
  uri: maildir:/home/User/Mail/Inbox
  usual: true
  archived: false
  id: 1
  labels: []
- !,2006-10-01/Redwood/Maildir 
  uri: maildir:/home/User/Mail/sup-talk
  usual: true
  archived: true
  id: 2
  - sup
  - list

Note that each source needs to have a unique id assigned to it, multiple maildirs having the same id may result in messages being removed from sup's index.

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