import ""
func All[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) bool
All returns true if the given predicate
returns true for every element of the
given slice.
func Any[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) bool
Any return true if the given predicate
returns true for any element of the
given slice.
func Chunk[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, chunkSize int) []S
Chunk splits the given slice into smaller slices, each the length of
. If the slice cannot be split evenly, the last chunk will have the
remaining elements.
func Concat[S ~[]T, T any](slices ...S) S
Concat combines all the elements from all the given slices into a single slice.
func CountBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](slice S, iteratee func(T) U) map[U]int
CountBy creates a map composed of keys generated from the results of running
each element of the slice through iteratee
. The corresponding value of each
key is the number of times the key was returned by iteratee
func Difference[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, others ...S) S
Difference returns a list of items present in slice
that are not present in
any of the others
slices. The comparison is performed with ==
func DifferenceBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](slice S, iteratee func(T) U, others ...S) S
DifferenceBy returns a list of items present in slice
that are not present
in any of the others
slices, with the comparison made by passing items into
the iteratee
function and checking ==
on the result. This allows changing
the way the item is viewed for comparison.
func DifferenceWith[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, comparator func(T, T) bool, others ...S) S
DifferenceWith returns a slice of items present in slice
that are not
present in any of the others
slices, with the comparison made using the given
func Drop[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, n int) S
Drop returns a new slice with n
elements dropped from the beginning.
func DropRight[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, n int) S
DropRight returns a new slice with n
elements dropped from the end.
func DropRightWhile[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) S
DropRightWhile creates a new slice excluding elements dropped from the end.
Elements are dropped until predicate
returns false.
func DropWhile[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) S
DropWhile creates a new slice excluding elements dropped from the beginning.
Elements are dropped until predicate
returns false.
func Each[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, iteratee func(value T, index int, slice S))
Each invokes the given iteratee
for every element in the slice, from left to
func EachRight[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, iteratee func(value T, index int, slice S))
EachRight invokes the given iteratee
for every element in the slice, from
right to left.
func Every[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) bool
Every returns true if the given predicate
returns true for every element of
the given slice.
func Fill[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, value T, start int, end int)
Fill fills elements of slice
with value
from start
up to, but not
including end
func Filter[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) S
Filter iterates over the elements of slice
, returning a slice of all elements
that the predicate
returns true for.
func Find[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) (result T)
Find iterates over the elements of slice
, returning the first element that
returns true for.
func FindIndex[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(T) bool) int
FindIndex returns the index of the first element for which the predicate
returns true.
func FindLastIndex[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(T) bool) int
FindLastIndex returns the index of the last element of which the predicate
returns true.
func FlatMap[S ~[]T, T any, U any](slice S, iteratee func(value T, index int, slice S) []U) []U
FlatMap creates a flattened slice of values by running each element in slice
through iteratee
and flattening the mapped results.
func GroupBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](slice S, iteratee func(T) U) map[U]S
GroupBy creates a map composed of keys generated from the results of running
each element of slice
through iteratee
. The order of the grouped values is
determined by the order that they occur in slice
. The corresponding value of
each key is a slice of elements responsible for generating the key.
func Includes[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, value T) bool
Includes checks if value
is in slice
. Equality is checked with ==
func IndexOf[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, value T) int
IndexOf returns the index at which the first occurrence of value
is found in
. Returns -1
if not found.
func Intersection[S ~[]T, T comparable](slices ...S) S
Intersection returns a slice of unique values that are included in all given slices. The order of the result values are determined by the first slice.
func IntersectionBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](iteratee func(T) U, others ...S) S
IntersectionBy returns a slice of unique values that are included in all given
slices, with comparison happening on the result of the iteratee
function. The
order of the result values are determined by the first slice.
func IntersectionWith[S ~[]T, T any](comparator func(T, T) bool, slices ...S) S
IntersectionWith returns a slice of unique values that are included in all given
slice, with comparison happening inside the given comparator
. The order of the
result values are determined by the first slice.
func Join[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, separator string) string
Join concatenates all the elements of the slice into a string separated by
. fmt.Sprint
is used for to get the string representation of the
given value, so mixed types are possible with []any
func KeyBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](slice S, iteratee func(T) U) map[U]T
KeyBy creates a map composed of keys generated from the results of running each
element of slice
through iteratee
. The corresponding value of each key is
the last element responsible for generating the key.
func LastIndexOf[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, value T) int
LastIndexOf returns the index at which the last occurrence of value
is found
in slice
. Returns -1
if not found.
func Map[S ~[]T, T any, U any](slice S, iteratee func(T) U) []U
Map creates a slice of values by running each element in slice
func Nth[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, n int) T
Nth gets the element at index n
of the slice
. If n
is negative, the nth
element from the end is returned.
func Partition[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(T) bool) (truths S, falsehoods S)
Partition creates two slices, the first of which contains elements that
returns true for, with the second containing elements for which
returns false.
func Pull[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, values ...T) S
Pull returns a new slice without all the given values
func PullAll[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, values []T) S
PullAll returns a new slice without the items in values
func PullAllBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](slice S, values []T, iteratee func(T) U) S
PullAllBy returns a new slice without the items in values
, with the comparison
made by passing both values through the iteratee
func PullAllWith[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, values []T, comparator func(T, T) bool) S
PullAllWith returns a new slice without the items in values
, with the
comparison made using the given comparator
func PullAt[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, indexes S
PullAt returns a new slice without the items at the given indexes.
func Reduce[S ~[]T, T any, U any](slice S, iteratee func(acc U, value T, index int, slice S) U, accumulator U) U
Reduce reduces slice
to a value which is the accumulated result of running
each element in slice
through iteratee
, where each successive invocation is
supplied the return value of the previous one. accumulator
is used as the
initial value.
func ReduceRight[S ~[]T, T any, U any](slice S, iteratee func(acc U, value T, index int, slice S) U, accumulator U) U
ReduceRight reduces slice
to a value which is the accumulated result of
running each element in slice
, from right to left, through iteratee
, where
each successive invocation is supplied the return value of the previous one.
is used as the initial value.
func Reject[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) S
Reject iterates over the elements of slice
, returning a new slice of the
elements for which predicate
returns false.
func Remove[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) S
Remove returns a new slice without the elements for which the predicate
returns true
func Reverse[S ~[]T, T any](slice S) S
Reverse return the reverse of slice
: with the first element last, the second
element second-to-last, and so on.
func Some[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) bool
Some return true if the given predicate
returns true for any element of the
given slice.
func SortedIndex[S ~[]T, T constraints.Ordered](slice S, value T) int
SortedIndex uses a binary search to determine the lowest index at which value
should be inserted into slice
in order to maintain its sort order.
func SortedIndexBy[S ~[]T, T any, U constraints.Ordered](slice S, value T, iteratee func(T) U) int
SortedIndexBy uses a binary search to determine the lowest index at which
should be inserted into slice
in order to maintain its sort order,
with the iteratee
function used to compute sort ranking.
func SortedIndexOf[S ~[]T, T constraints.Ordered](slice S, value T) int
SortedIndexOf performs a binary search on a sorted slice
to find the given
. Returns -1 if not found.
func SortedLastIndex[S ~[]T, T constraints.Ordered](slice S, value T) int
SortedLastIndex returns the highest index at which value
should be inserted
into the sorted slice
to maintain its sort order.
func SortedLastIndexBy[S ~[]T, T any, U constraints.Ordered](slice S, value T, iteratee func(T) U) int
SortedLastIndexBy returns the highest index at which value
should be inserted
into the sorted slice
to maintain its sort order, with comparisons made on the
result of passing all values through iteratee
func SortedLastIndexOf[S ~[]T, T constraints.Ordered](slice S, value T) int
SortedLastIndexOf returns the highest index at which the value
is present in
the sorted slice
func Take[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, n int) S
Take returns a new slice with n
elements taken from the beginning.
func TakeRight[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, n int) S
TakeRight returns a new slice with n
elements taken from the end.
func TakeRightWhile[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) S
TakeRightWhile creates a slice of elements taken from the end of slice
Elements are taken until the predicate
returns false.
func TakeWhile[S ~[]T, T any](slice S, predicate func(value T, index int, slice S) bool) S
TakeWhile creates a slice of elements taken from the beginning of slice
Elements are taken until the predicate
returns false.
func Union[S ~[]T, T comparable](slices ...S) S
Union creates a new slice, in order, of unique values of all the given slices.
Uses ==
for equality checks.
func UnionBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](iteratee func(T) U, slices ...S) S
UnionBy creates a new slice, in order, of unique values of all the given slices.
Uses the result of the given iteratee
to check equality.
func UnionWith[S ~[]T, T any](comparator func(T, T) bool, sliceList ...S) S
UnionWith creates a new slice, in order, of unique values of all the given
slices. Uses the given comparator
to check equality between elements.
func Uniq[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S) S
Uniq returns a new slice, in order, with no duplicates, with only the first
occurrence of each element kept. Comparison is performed with ==
func UniqBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](iteratee func(T) U, slice S) S
UniqBy returns a new slice, in order, with no duplicates, with only the first
occurrence of each element kept. Comparison is performed with ==
on the result
of passing each element through the given iteratee
func UniqWith[S ~[]T, T any](comparator func(T, T) bool, slice S) S
UniqWith returns a new slice, in order, with no duplicates, with only the first
occurrence of each element kept. Comparison is performed using the given
func Without[S ~[]T, T comparable](slice S, values ...T) S
Without returns a new slice without the given elements. Uses ==
for equality
func Xor[S ~[]T, T comparable](slices ...S) S
Xor returns a new slice of unique values that is the symmetric difference (elements which are any of the sets but not in their intersection) of the given slices. The order of result values is determined by the order they occur in the slices.
func XorBy[S ~[]T, T any, U comparable](iteratee func(T) U, slices ...S) S
XorBy returns a new slice of unique values that is the symmetric difference
(elements which are any of the sets but not in their intersection) of the given
slices. The order of result values is determined by the order they occur in the
slices. Equality is determined by passing elements through the given iteratee
func XorWith[S ~[]T, T any](comparator func(T, T) bool, sliceList ...S) S
XorWith returns a new slice of unique values that is the symmetric difference
(elements which are any of the sets but not in their intersection) of the given
slices. The order of result values is determined by the order they occur in the
slices. Equality is determined by passing elements to the given comparator