Please use this maintained fork instead:
Sometimes erlang programmer wants to apply function composition. Usually it is done by ugly combining functions, e.g.
Result = fun3(mod2:fun2(fun1(Arg1, Arg2))).
Other way to do that is creating multiple bindings:
R1 = fun1(Arg1, Arg2),
R2 = mod2:fun2(R1),
Result = fun3(R2).
This pars_transform allows to write like this:
Result = [fun1, mod2:fun2, fun3] (Arg1, Arg2).
More complicated options are available -- see src/pipeline_demo.erl
for examples.
Building is made by rebar:
./rebar get-deps
./rebar compile
To use pipeline, simply compile target module with {parse_transform, pipeline}