It looks like everyone’s sharing their GitHub stats here, but why compete? Let’s just enjoy this space like social media. Honestly, I wanted to do something a bit different—posting stats doesn’t feel that cool to me. Since I’m really into Infra, cloud-native stuff, and development, I’ve been working on creating my own display tools.
A quick intro about me: I’m TsungYi Yu, you can call me Steve or SteveYi. For those unfamiliar with Chinese names, "TsungYi" is my first name, and "Yu" is my last name. I"m originally from Taiwan, and on official documents, my name is written as "Tsung-Yi Yu" (with a dash to separate the characters in Chinese).
I operating an AS networks (AS7480) in certain regions, where I establish direct peering with ISPs and experiment with unique routing architectures. I’m also conducting research at National University of Singapore (NUS). In addition to that, I’m an active community member, often participating in APNIC conferences and NOG.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! You’re also welcome to check out my website at