Lottie 3.0 is a complete rewrite of Lottie in Swift. Because of this there are some minor API changes. This guide should help you through migrating code from Lottie 2.5.2 to 3.0
For continued support and contribution to Objective-C please point to the official Lottie Objective-C Branch Here
Swift discourages the use of Prefix for names. A lot of the api changes are just the removal of LOT
from the class name. Below is a complete list of API changes.
To use Lottie Swift in an Objective-C project read Apple"s official documentation here
Lottie 2.5.2 | Lottie 3.0+ |
LOTAnimationView |
AnimationView |
LOTComposition |
Animation |
LOTKeypath |
AnimationKeypath |
LOTAnimationCache |
AnimationCacheProvider |
LOTCacheProvider |
AnimationImageProvider |
LOTValueDelegate |
AnyValueProvider |
LOTAnimatedControl |
AnimatedControl |
⛔️ | AnimatedButton |
LOTAnimatedSwitch |
AnimatedSwitch |
Lottie 2.5.2 | Lottie 3.0+ |
LOTAnimationView.sceneModel |
AnimationView.animation |
LOTAnimationView.loopAnimation |
AnimationView.loopMode |
LOTAnimationView.autoReverseAnimation |
AnimationView.loopMode |
LOTAnimationView.animationProgress |
AnimationView.currentProgress |
LOTAnimationView.cacheEnable |
⛔️(Cache is passed in on init) |
LOTAnimationView.setValueDelegate:forKeypath: |
AnimationView.setValueProvider:keypath: |
LOTComposition.animationNamed: |
Animation.named: |
LOTComposition.animationWithFilePath: |
Animation.filepath: |
LOTComposition.animationNamed:inBundle: |
Animation.named:bundle: |
LOTComposition.animationFromJSON: |
⛔️(Animation is Encodable/Decodable from data on it"s own.) |