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Unbreak small example logic
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stedolan committed Jun 12, 2020
1 parent a3d4c3a commit 77b5e54
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Showing 2 changed files with 50 additions and 54 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/pprint/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 1,9 @@
open Crowbar
open PPrint
open Crowbar
type t = (string * PPrint.document)
let doc = fix (fun doc -> choose [
const ("", empty);
const ("a", char 'a');
const ("a", PPrint.char 'a');
const ("123", string "123");
const ("Hello", string "Hello");
const ("awordwhichisalittlebittoolong",
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100 changes: 48 additions & 52 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,37 9,44 @@ type state =

type 'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit

type 'a gen =
type 'a strat =
| Choose of 'a gen list
| Map : ('f, 'a) gens * 'f -> 'a gen
| Bind : 'a gen * ('a -> 'b gen) -> 'b gen
| Option : 'a gen -> 'a option gen
| List : 'a gen -> 'a list gen
| List1 : 'a gen -> 'a list gen
| Map : ('f, 'a) gens * 'f -> 'a strat
| Bind : 'a gen * ('a -> 'b gen) -> 'b strat
| Option : 'a gen -> 'a option strat
| List : 'a gen -> 'a list strat
| List1 : 'a gen -> 'a list strat
| Unlazy of 'a gen Lazy.t
| Primitive of (state -> 'a)
| Print of 'a printer * 'a gen

and 'a gen =
{ strategy: 'a strat;
small_examples: 'a list; }

and ('k, 'res) gens =
| [] : ('res, 'res) gens
| (::) : 'a gen * ('k, 'res) gens -> ('a -> 'k, 'res) gens

type nonrec 'a list = 'a list = [] | (::) of 'a * 'a list

let unlazy f = Unlazy f
let unlazy f = { strategy = Unlazy f; small_examples = [] }

let fix f =
let rec lazygen = lazy (f (unlazy lazygen)) in
unlazy lazygen

let map gens f = Map (gens, f)
let map (type f) (type a) (gens : (f, a) gens) (f : f) =
{ strategy = Map (gens, f); small_examples = match gens with [] -> [f] | _ -> [] }

let dynamic_bind m f = Bind(m, f)
let dynamic_bind m f = {strategy = Bind(m, f); small_examples = [] }

let const x = map [] x
let choose gens = Choose gens
let option gen = Option gen
let list gen = List gen
let list1 gen = List1 gen
let choose gens = { strategy = Choose gens; small_examples = List.concat_map (fun x -> x.small_examples) gens }
let option gen = { strategy = Option gen; small_examples = [None] }
let list gen = { strategy = List gen; small_examples = [[]] }
let list1 gen = { strategy = List1 gen; small_examples = (fun x -> [x]) gen.small_examples }
let primitive f ex = { strategy = Primitive f; small_examples = [ex] }

let pair gena genb =
map (gena :: genb :: []) (fun a b -> (a, b))
Expand All @@ -51,12 58,12 @@ let concat_gen_list sep l =
) h t
| [] -> const ""

let with_printer pp gen = Print (pp, gen)
let with_printer pp gen = {strategy = Print (pp, gen); small_examples = gen.small_examples }

let result gena genb =
Choose [
Map([gena], fun va -> Ok va);
Map([genb], fun vb -> Error vb);
choose [
map [gena] (fun va -> Ok va);
map [genb] (fun vb -> Error vb);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,10 138,10 @@ let read_bool src =
let n = read_byte src in
n land 1 = 1

let bool = Print(pp_bool, Primitive read_bool)
let bool = with_printer pp_bool (primitive read_bool false)

let uint8 = Print(pp_int, Primitive read_byte)
let int8 = Print(pp_int, Map ([uint8], fun n -> n - 128))
let uint8 = with_printer pp_int (primitive read_byte 0)
let int8 = with_printer pp_int (map [uint8] (fun n -> n - 128))

let read_uint16 src =
let off = getbytes src 2 in
Expand All @@ -144,8 151,8 @@ let read_int16 src =
let off = getbytes src 2 in
EndianBytes.LittleEndian.get_int16 src.buf off

let uint16 = Print(pp_int, Primitive read_uint16)
let int16 = Print(pp_int, Primitive read_int16)
let uint16 = with_printer pp_int (primitive read_uint16 0)
let int16 = with_printer pp_int (primitive read_int16 0)

let read_int32 src =
let off = getbytes src 4 in
Expand All @@ -155,24 162,24 @@ let read_int64 src =
let off = getbytes src 8 in
EndianBytes.LittleEndian.get_int64 src.buf off

let int32 = Print (pp_int32, Primitive read_int32)
let int64 = Print (pp_int64, Primitive read_int64)
let int32 = with_printer pp_int32 (primitive read_int32 0l)
let int64 = with_printer pp_int64 (primitive read_int64 0L)

let int =
Print (pp_int,
if Sys.word_size <= 32 then
Map([int32], Int32.to_int)
with_printer pp_int
(if Sys.word_size <= 32 then
map [int32] Int32.to_int
Map([int64], Int64.to_int))
map [int64] Int64.to_int)

let float = Print (pp_float, Primitive (fun src ->
let float = with_printer pp_float (primitive (fun src ->
let off = getbytes src 8 in
EndianBytes.LittleEndian.get_double src.buf off))
EndianBytes.LittleEndian.get_double src.buf off) 0.)

let char = Print (pp_char, Primitive read_char)
let char = with_printer pp_char (primitive read_char 'a')

(* maybe print as a hexdump? *)
let bytes = Print (pp_string, Primitive (fun src ->
let bytes = with_printer pp_string (primitive (fun src ->
(* null-terminated, with '\001' as an escape code *)
let buf = Bytes.make 64 '\255' in
let rec read_bytes p =
Expand All @@ -186,11 193,11 @@ let bytes = Print (pp_string, Primitive (fun src ->
Bytes.set buf p c;
read_bytes (p 1) in
let count = read_bytes 0 in
Bytes.sub_string buf 0 count))
Bytes.sub_string buf 0 count) "")

let bytes_fixed n = Print (pp_string, Primitive (fun src ->
let bytes_fixed n = with_printer pp_string (primitive (fun src ->
let off = getbytes src n in
Bytes.sub_string src.buf off n))
Bytes.sub_string src.buf off n) (String.make n 'a'))

let choose_int n state =
assert (n > 0);
Expand All @@ -208,12 215,12 @@ let range ?(min=0) n =
raise (Invalid_argument "Crowbar.range: argument n must be positive");
if min < 0 then
raise (Invalid_argument "Crowbar.range: argument min must be positive or null");
Print (pp_int, Primitive (fun s -> min choose_int n s))
with_printer pp_int (primitive (fun s -> min choose_int n s) min)

let uchar : Uchar.t gen =
map [range 0x110000] (fun x ->
guard (Uchar.is_valid x); Uchar.of_int x)
let uchar = Print(pp_uchar, uchar)
let uchar = with_printer pp_uchar uchar

let rec sequence = function
g::gs -> map [g; sequence gs] (fun x xs -> x::xs)
Expand All @@ -231,24 238,13 @@ let shuffle l = map [shuffle_arr (Array.of_list l)] Array.to_list

exception GenFailed of exn * Printexc.raw_backtrace * unit printer

let minimize_depth : type a . a gen list -> a gen list = fun gens ->
let only p = List.filter p gens in
let without p = List.filter (fun v -> not (p v)) gens in
let branchless = function | _ -> false in
let branchy = function | Map _ | Bind _ | Choose _ -> true | _ -> false in
let complex = function | Map _ | Bind _ -> true | _ -> false in
match only branchless, without branchy, without complex with
| x::xs, _ , _ -> x :: xs
| [], x::xs, _ -> x :: xs
| [], [], x::xs -> x :: xs
| [], [], [] -> gens

let rec generate : type a . int -> state -> a gen -> a * unit printer =
fun size input gen -> match gen with
| Choose xs ->
fun size input gen ->
if size <= 1 && gen.small_examples <> [] then List.hd gen.small_examples, fun ppf () -> pp ppf "?" else
match gen.strategy with
| Choose gens ->
(* FIXME: better distribution? *)
(* FIXME: choices of size > 255? *)
let gens = if size <= 1 then minimize_depth xs else xs in
let n = choose_int (List.length gens) input in
let v, pv = generate size input (List.nth gens n) in
v, fun ppf () -> pp ppf "#%d %a" n pv ()
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