- Palo Alto, CA
- https://wx-b.github.io/
- @_w_x_b_
Reinforcement Learning (RL)
Official implementation of Implicit Behavioral Cloning, as described in our CoRL 2021 paper, see more at https://implicitbc.github.io/
[NeurIPS"21 Outstanding Paper] Library for reliable evaluation on RL and ML benchmarks, even with only a handful of seeds.
Web powered cross-platform 3D, WebXR game engine.
Cooperative Driving Dataset: a dataset for multi-agent driving scenarios
Modeling 3D Shapes by Reinforcement Learning (ECCV2020)
Implementation of Recovery RL: Safe Reinforcement Learning With Learned Recovery Zones.
Learning to Communicate with Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in PyTorch
Implementations of robust Dual Curriculum Design (DCD) algorithms for unsupervised environment design.
EGG: Emergence of lanGuage in Games
Reinforcement learning environment for UR5e robot with OPENAI gym like format. Include both simulation and real parts.
Learning dynamic mobile manipulation with deep reinforcement learning
Code for "Constrained Variational Policy Optimization for Safe Reinforcement Learning" (ICML 2022)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Grasping from Octrees
[NeurIPS 2022] Open source code for reusing prior computational work in RL.
Official Algorithm Implementation of ICML"23 Paper "VIMA: General Robot Manipulation with Multimodal Prompts"
[RA-L 2023 & IROS 2023] Visual Reinforcement Learning with Self-Supervised 3D Representations
Learning to Communicate with Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
PyTorch implements multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms, including QMIX, Independent PPO, Centralized PPO, Grid Wise Control, Grid Wise Control+PPO, Grid Wise Control+DDPG.
A standard format for offline reinforcement learning datasets, with popular reference datasets and related utilities
Pre-training Reusable Representations for Robotic Manipulation Using Diverse Human Video Data
Implementation of VariBAD: A Very Good Method for Bayes-Adaptive Deep RL via Meta-Learning - Zintgraf et al. (ICLR 2020)