- Palo Alto, CA
- https://wx-b.github.io/
- @_w_x_b_
Reinforcement Learning Envs (RL)
Grid2Op a testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems.
Modeling 3D Shapes by Reinforcement Learning (ECCV2020)
A gym environment designed for free-floating space robot control based on the MuJoCo platform.
An environment for benchmarking commonsense agents
Implementations of robust Dual Curriculum Design (DCD) algorithms for unsupervised environment design.
A Gym-like environment for Volt-Var control in power distribution systems.
Multi-objective Gymnasium environments for reinforcement learning
EGG: Emergence of lanGuage in Games
Reinforcement learning environment for UR5e robot with OPENAI gym like format. Include both simulation and real parts.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Grasping from Octrees
A CLI for processing composite Wavefront OBJ files for use in MuJoCo.
A Gym-based environment for robot rearrangement task
An API conversion tool for popular external reinforcement learning environments
[CoRL 2022] BusyBot: Learning to Interact, Reason, and Plan in a BusyBoard Environment
ViNL: Visual Navigation and Locomotion over Obstacles (ICRA 2023)
PyBullet CartPole and Quadrotor environments—with CasADi symbolic a priori dynamics—for learning-based control and RL
Unified framework for robot learning built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim
A minimal C implementation of Nintendo Gameboy - An fast research environment for Reinforcement Learning
CausalWorld: A Robotic Manipulation Benchmark for Causal Structure and Transfer Learning
Code repository of the paper "CITRIS: Causal Identifiability from Temporal Intervened Sequences" and "iCITRIS: Causal Representation Learning for Instantaneous Temporal Effects"
[CoRL "23] Dexterous piano playing with deep reinforcement learning.
This is the repo of "RL-ViGen: A Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Visual Generalization"