- Palo Alto, CA
- https://wx-b.github.io/
- @_w_x_b_
A Code Release for Mip-NeRF 360, Ref-NeRF, and RawNeRF
JNeRF is a NeRF benchmark based on Jittor. JNeRF re-implemented instant-ngp and achieved same performance with original paper.
NeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition from Image Collections - ICCV 2021
[CVPR 2022] FENeRF: Face Editing in Neural Radiance Fields
Dense Depth Priors for Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse Input Views
Code for the paper "Rotation-Equivariant Conditional Spherical Neural Fields for Learning a Natural Illumination Prior" https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03858 Accepted to NeurIPS 2022!
Neural Factorization of Shape and Reflectance Under an Unknown Illumination
[TIP"2023] Fast Learning Radiance Fields by Shooting Much Fewer Rays, a general strategy to speed up the learning of radiance field
Official Pytorch implementation of PANDORA: Polarization-Aided Neural Decomposition of Radiance
PS-NeRF: Neural Inverse Rendering for Multi-view Photometric Stereo (ECCV 2022)
A General NeRF Acceleration Toolbox in PyTorch.
A collaboration friendly studio for NeRFs
IR-MCL: Implicit Representation-Based Online Global Localization https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.03113
Instant NeRF for depth/3d shape estimation of transparent objects
【NeurIPS 2022 Spotlight】Neural Surface Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes with Monocular RGB-D Camera
Monte Carlo Localization using Neural Radiance Fields
[ICCV2023] IntrinsicNeRF: Learning Intrinsic Neural Radiance Fields for Editable Novel View Synthesis
State-of-the-art, simple, fast unbounded / large-scale NeRFs.
[ECCV22] BungeeNeRF: Progressive Neural Radiance Field for Extreme Multi-scale Scene Rendering
PREF: Phasorial Embedding Fields for Compact Neural Representations
Neural Surface reconstruction based on Instant-NGP. Efficient and customizable boilerplate for your research projects. Train NeuS in 10min!
Human Performance Modeling and Rendering via Neural Animated Mesh (Published in SIGGRAPH Asia 2022)