- Palo Alto, CA
- https://wx-b.github.io/
- @_w_x_b_
3D Reconstruction
Plenoxels: Radiance Fields without Neural Networks
[ICCV21] Self-Calibrating Neural Radiance Fields
Code for "MeuMesh: Learning Disentangled Neural Mesh-based Implicit Field for Geometry and Texture Editing", ECCV 2022 Oral
Independent PyTorch implementation of Scene Representation Transformer
open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library
Code for the paper "Unbiased Inverse Volume Rendering with Differential Trackers"
Official Pytorch implementation of Scene Representation Networks: Continuous 3D-Structure-Aware Neural Scene Representations
PyTorch implementation of the paper: Crowdsampling The Plenoptic Function, ECCV 2020
JNeRF is a NeRF benchmark based on Jittor. JNeRF re-implemented instant-ngp and achieved same performance with original paper.
NeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition from Image Collections - ICCV 2021
Topologically-Aware Deformation Fields for Single-View 3D Reconstruction (CVPR 2022)
This repository implements our CVPR2022 paper "BNV-Fusion: Dense 3D Reconstruction using Bi-level Neural Volume Fusion"
💭 Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Point Cloud Generation (CVPR 2021)
Official implementation of CLIP-Mesh: Generating textured meshes from text using pretrained image-text models
A Diffusion Model Predicts 3D Shapes from 2D Microscopy Images
PS-NeRF: Neural Inverse Rendering for Multi-view Photometric Stereo (ECCV 2022)
A General NeRF Acceleration Toolbox in PyTorch.
[CVPR 2023] SparseFusion: Distilling View-conditioned Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction
Code for robust monocular depth estimation described in "Ranftl et. al., Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer, TPAMI 2022"
A Unified Framework for Surface Reconstruction