Dockerfile for spark-ubunt-scala-python3 This image is intended to use as a spark worker, easy to deploy. It consists of Java 8, python 3, pip 3 and spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz. Also, the container will have a new user name "ak" setup with PASSWORD ##>"redhat"<<##. This is to authenticate the worker to master for password less login that initiates worker-master negotiation for spark. For password less authentication just add: ~# ssh-copy-id ak@worker and use "redhat" as password for first and the last time.
SERVICE_NAME=$1 docker-compose run --service-ports $SERVICE_NAME
Environment variables lies in a separate file name .env which will be captured by docker-compose.yml file. Also for bootstraping we have a file which has following content for now:
#!/bin/bash /usr/sbin/sshd /bin/bash -c "$*"