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Elastic Datashader


Elastic Datashader combines the power of ElasticSearch with Datashader. So you can go from this:

Kibana Default Heatmap

To this:

Kibana Default Heatmap



Poetry takes care of installing dependencies within the virtual environment. First install poetry.

python3 -m pip install poetry

Now we can create the virtual environment and install dependencies into it with

poetry install

Note that there are extras that can also be installed with --extras which are specified below.


First enter the virtualenv created by poetry.

poetry shell


First you need to install the localwebserver optional extra.

poetry install --extras localwebserver

uvicorn is now available for you within the virtualenv (you can reenter with poetry shell). Note that the log level for the datashader logger can be set within the logging_config.yml or by setting the DATASHADER_LOG_LEVEL environment variable; the latter takes precedence.

DATASHADER_ELASTIC=http://user:password@localhost:9200 uvicorn elastic_datashader:app --reload --port 6002 --log-config deployment/logging_config.yml 


First build the Docker container by running 'make' within the folder:


To run in production mode via Docker Uvicorn:

$ docker run -it --rm=true -p 5000:5000 \
    elastic_datashader:latest \
    --log-level=debug \
    -b :5000 \
    --workers 32 \
    --env DATASHADER_ELASTIC=http://user:passwordt@host:9200 \

SSL Config Options

docker run -it --rm=true -p 5000:5000 \
    elastic_datashader:latest \
    --log-level=debug \
    -b :5000 \
    --workers 32 \
    --env DATASHADER_ELASTIC=http://user:passwordt@host:9200 \
    --certfile <path> \
    --keyfile <path> \
    --ca-certs <path>

Running behind NGINX

Run datashader as normal and use the following NGINX configuration snippet:

  location /datashader/ {
    proxy_pass http://ip-to-datashader-server:5000/;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;


From within the virtualenv (poetry shell) just run the following.



Datashader layers will be generated faster if Elastic search.max_buckets is increase to 65536.


Integration with Kibana Maps can be found here. This code requires changes to code covered via the Elastic License. It is your responsibility to use this code in compliance with this license.

You can build a Kibana with Elastic-Datashader support:

cd kibana


The API is currently provisional and may change in future releases.

Get Tile

URL : /tms/{index-name}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Method : GET QueryParameter :


  • geopoint_field=[alphanumeric] : the field to use for geopoint coordinates.


  • geopfield_type=[alphanumeric] : the field type to use for the query (default: geo_point) this is needed because crosscluster get_field_mapping doesn't work
  • timestamp_field=[string] : the field to use for time (default: @timestamp)
  • params=[json] : query/filter parameters from kibana.
  • cmap=[alphanumeric] : the colorcet map to use (default: bmy for heatmap and glasbey_category10 for colored points)
  • category_field=[alphanumeric] : the field to be used for coloring points/ellipses
  • category_type=[alphanumeric] : the type of the category_field (as found in Kibana Index Pattern)
  • category_format=[alphanumeric] : the format for numeric category fields (in NumeralJS format)
  • ellipses=[boolean] : if ellipse shapes should be drawn (default: false)
  • ellipse_major=[alphanumeric] : the field that contains the ellipse major axis size
  • ellipse_minor=[alphanumeric] : the field that contains the ellipse minor axis size
  • ellipse_tilt=[alphanumeric] : the field that contains the ellipse tilt degrees
  • ellipse_units=[alphanumeric] : the units for the ellipse axis (one of majmin_nm, semi_majmin_nm, or semi_majmin_m)
  • ellipse_search=[alphanumeric] : how far to search for ellipse when generating tiles (one of narrow, normal, or wide)
  • spread=[alphanumeric] : how large points should be rendered (one of large, medium, small, auto)
  • span_range=[alphanumeric] : the dyanmic range to be applied for alpha channel (one of flat, narrow, normal, wide, auto)
  • resolution=[alphanumeric] : the aggregation grid size (default: finest),
  • bucket_min=[numeric] : a filter to filterout lower count grid points (percentage of maximum records per grid point)
  • bucket_max=[numeric] : a filter to filter out higher count grid points (percentage of maximum records per grid point) Params
  "lucene_query": "a lucene query"
  "timeFilters": {
     "from": "now-5h"
     "to": "now"
  "filters" : { ... filter information extracted from Kibana ...}

Get Legend

URL : /legend/{index-name}/fieldname Method : GET


  • geopoint_field=[alphanumeric] : the field to use for geopoint coordinates.


  • timestamp_field=[string] : the field to use for time (default: @timestamp)
  • params=[json] : query/filter parameters from kibana.
  • category_field=[alphanumeric] : the field to be used for coloring points/ellipses
  • category_type=[alphanumeric] : the type of the category_field (as found in Kibana Index Pattern)
  • category_format=[alphanumeric] : the format for numeric category fields (in NumeralJS format)
  • cmap=[alphanumeric] : the colorcet map to use (default: bmy for heatmap and glasbey_category10 for colored points)


  "lucene_query": "a lucene query"
  "timeFilters": {
     "from": "now-5h"
     "to": "now"
  "filters" : { ... filter information extracted from Kibana ...}
  "extent": {
    "minLat": 0.0, "maxLat": 0.0,
    "minLon: 0.0, "maxLon: 0.0


  {"key"="xyz", "color"="acolor", "count"=100},
  {"key"="abc", "color"="acolor", "count"=105},

Release Instructions


Draft New Release

Create tag with one-up build number, Target:Master

[Publish Release]