This is a Messenger App, made with react, styled with the help of material-ui and deployed with the help of firebase. If you are react Lover feel free to contribute in the project.
You will need to have NodeJS and Yarn installed, if you haven't done that yet - get started here and here. Then, follow the steps below ⬇️
- Fork the Repository
Clone the Forked Repository to your local machine.
git clone<your GitHub user name>/ChatHub.git.
Change the directory to ChatHub.
cd ChatHub
Add remote to the Original Repository.
git add remote
Install the dependecies.
npm install
Run the application.
npm start
Finally, navigate to http://localhost:3000 and you should see our app is now up and running ⚡
First check which branch you are
git branch ##if you are in master branch checkout from the branch
Create new branch so that if you add function in the application so that will effect master branch.
git checkout -b "Your Choice"
Tip:- Give the branch name that you working on your issue so that easy to navigate working branch that you created. -
To check status of the files if it's added or not.
git status
Adding the file
git add .
For git commit the message
git commit -m "i have added this or Fixes the navbar "
To push the file in github
git push --set-upstream origin <your branch name>
Expected time period for subitting a pull respect for each level:
- Level 1 - 1 day
- Level 2 - 2 day
- Level 3 - 3 day
Soumik Kumar Baithalu 👨 |