I'm an empty space, yet I have something to share.
[tools.everyday] OS = "https://manjaro.org/" "desktop environment" = "https://kde.org/" messenger = "https://telegram.org/" "social networking service" = "https://vk.com/" [tools.dev] "editor/IDE" = "https://code.visualstudio.com/" "programming language" = "https://www.python.org/" "config language" = "https://toml.io/" [personal] color = "red" music = "https://mega.nz/folder/Yp9CBSYY#VyJxK0Ay_fL-cilg22WXiA" game = "https://www.minecraft.net/" https://mega.nz/folder/MtFUVJ4S#M-uROuoz8bxE6rddM7mBwA
I'm an extremely finicky person. I love readings like "Encyclopedia of things considered harmful". My pipe dream is to remake all the world from the ground up the way I like.
Nonetheless, I recognize that some software is done right (or has some non-trivial right seed, or otherwise inspires respect to me). I try to gather these rare species in my GitHub stars list.