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Make it easier to use push with different push platforms.


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Snowball Android Notification Library

Make it easier to use push with different platforms.


dependencies {
    // add dependency, please replace x.y.z to the latest version
    implementation "com.xueqiu.push:push:x.y.z"
    // with xiaomi push
    implementation "com.xueqiu.push:xiaomi:x.y.z"
    // with huawei
    implementation "com.xueqiu.push:huawei:x.y.z"
    // with firebase
    implementation "com.xueqiu.push:firebase:x.y.z"


Before you use the library, please read relevant documents.

Initialize the push manager in the proper place.

val options = PushOptions()
    .withLogger(object : Logger {
        override fun log(msg: String) {
            Log.d("push log", msg) // set your logger
    .withCallback(object : PushCallback {
        override fun onToken(platform: String, token: String) {
            // get token here

        override fun onEvent(platform: String, context: Context?, event: PushEvent) {
            // handle push event here


PushManager.init(this, options)

You can get handler like below.

val handler = PushManager.getHandler<MiPushHandler>(MiPushHandler.HANDLER_ID_XIAOMI)
handler?.setUser(this, "uid")

The methods list of handler.

Method MiPush HuaweiPush FirebaseMessage
requestToken Y Y Y
setUser Y N N
removeUser Y N N
setAlias Y N N
removeAlias Y N N
subscribeTopic Y N Y
unsubscribeTopic Y N Y

And the push event list.

Event MiPush HuaweiPush Firebase
notification_click Y Y N
notification_open N Y N
receive_message Y Y Y
set_user Y N N
remove_user Y N N
set_alias Y N N
remove_alias Y N N
subscribe_topic Y N Y
unsubscribe_topic Y N Y

PS: If your application is in the background, even on Huawei's mobile phone you won't receive any push events from huawei push.


Register mi push to push manager.

withHandler(MiPushHandler(miAppId, miAppKey))


Set huaweiAppId at AndroidManifest.

    android:value="appid=app_ip" /> <!-- replace app_id to your huawei id-->    

Then register it to push manager.



Firstly, add firebase to your project and add your google-services.json to module (app-level) folder..

buildscript {

  repositories {
    google()  // Google's Maven repository

  dependencies {
    classpath ''  // Google Services plugin

apply plugin: '' // In your module (app-level) Gradle file, add this plugin

Then register it to push manager.


Custom handler

You can use your own handler with push manager.

class CustomHandler : BasePushHandler() {
    companion object{
        const val HANDLER_ID_CUSTOM = "custom"
    override fun getHandlerID(): String = HANDLER_ID_CUSTOM

    override fun requestToken(context: Context) {
        // todo

    override fun initHandler(context: Context) {
        // todo


// ...


For more details, please read the example or source code.


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