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File metadata and controls

131 lines (113 loc) · 7.41 KB

a Chrome Manifest V3 extension that reads the current page, and offers a popup UI that has the page title content and a textarea for a prompt (with a default value we specify). When the user hits submit, it sends the page title content to the Anthropic Claude API along with the up to date prompt to summarize it. The user can modify that prompt and re-send the prompt content to get another summary view of the content.

  • Only when clicked:
    • it injects a content script content_script.js on the currently open tab, and accesses the title pageTitle and main content (innerText) pageContent of the currently open page (extracted via an injected content script, and sent over using a storePageContent action)
    • in the background, receives the storePageContent data and stores it
    • only once the new page content is stored, then it pops up a full height window with a minimalistic styled html popup
    • in the popup script
      • the popup should display a 10px tall rounded css animated red and white candy stripe loading indicator loadingIndicator, while waiting for the anthropic api to return
        • with the currently fetching page title and a running timer in the center showing time elapsed since call started
        • do not show it until the api call begins, and hide it when it ends.
      • retrieves the page content data using a getPageContent action (and the background listens for the getPageContent action and retrieves that data) and displays the title at the top of the popup
      • check extension storage for an apiKey, and if it isn't stored, asks for an API key to Anthropic Claude and stores it.
      • at the bottom of the popup, show a vertically resizable form that has:
        • a 2 line textarea with an id and label of userPrompt
          • userPrompt has a default value of
            defaultPrompt = `Please provide a detailed, easy to read HTML summary of the given content`;
        • a 4 line textarea with an id and label of stylePrompt
          • stylePrompt has a default value of
            defaultStyle = `Respond with 3-4 highlights per section with important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded in this HTML format:
            <h1>{title here}</h1>
            <h3>{section title here}</h3>
              <summary>{summary of the section with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong> and key quotes repeated}</summary>
                <li><strong>{first point}</strong>: {short explanation with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong>}</li>
                <li><strong>{second point}</strong>: {same as above}</li>
                <li><strong>{third point}</strong>: {same as above}</li>
                <!-- a fourth point if warranted -->
            <h3>{second section here}</h3>
            <p>{summary of the section with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong> and key quotes repeated}</p>
              <summary>{summary of the section with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong> and key quotes repeated}</summary>
                <!-- as many points as warranted in the same format as above -->
            <h3>{third section here}</h3>
            <!-- and so on, as many sections and details/summary subpoints as warranted -->
            With all the words in brackets replaced by the summary of the content. sanitize non visual HTML tags with HTML entities, so <template> becomes &lt;template&gt; but <strong> stays the same. Only draw from the source content, do not hallucinate. Finally, end with other questions that the user might want answered based on this source content:
            <h2>Next prompts</h2>
              <li>{question 1}</li>
              <li>{question 2}</li>
              <li>{question 3}</li>
        • and in the last row, on either side,
          • and a nicely styled submit button with an id of sendButton (tactile styling that "depresses" on click)
        • only when sendButton is clicked, calls the Anthropic model endpoint with:
          • append the page title
          • append the page content
          • add the prompt which is a concatenation of
            finalPrompt = `Human: ${userPrompt} \n\n ${stylePrompt} \n\n Assistant:`
          • and use the claude-instant-v1 model (if pageContent is <70k words) or the claude-instant-v1-100k model (if more)
          • requesting max tokens = the higher of (25% of the length of the page content, or 750 words)
          • if another submit event is hit while the previous api call is still inflight, cancel that and start the new one
      • renders the Anthropic-generated result at the top of the popup in a div with an id of content

Important Details:

  • It has to run in a browser environment, so no Nodejs APIs allowed.

  • the return signature of the anthropic api is curl\ -H "x-api-key: $API_KEY"
    -H 'content-type: application/json'
    -d '{ "prompt": "\n\nHuman: Tell me a haiku about trees\n\nAssistant: ", "model": "claude-v1", "max_tokens_to_sample": 1000, "stop_sequences": ["\n\nHuman:"] }' {"completion":" Here is a haiku about trees:\n\nSilent sentinels, \nStanding solemn in the woods,\nBranches reaching sky.","stop":"\n\nHuman:","stop_reason":"stop_sequence","truncated":false,"log_id":"f5d95cf326a4ac39ee36a35f434a59d5","model":"claude-v1","exception":null}

  • in the string prompt sent to Anthropic, first include the page title and page content, and finally append the prompt, clearly vertically separated by spacing.

  • if the Anthropic api call is a 401, handle that by clearing the stored anthropic api key and asking for it again.

  • add styles to make sure the popup's styling follows the basic rules of web design, for example having margins around the body, and a system font stack.

  • style the popup body with but insist on body margins of 16 and a minimum width of 400 and height of 600.

debugging notes

inside of background.js, just take the getPageContent response directly

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
  if (request.action === 'storePageContent') {
    // dont access request.pageContent{ pageContent: request }, () => {
      sendResponse({ success: true });
  } else if (request.action === 'getPageContent') {['pageContent'], (result) => {
      // dont access request.pageContent
  return true;

inside of popup.js, Update the function calls to requestAnthropicSummary in popup.js to pass the apiKey:['apiKey'], (result) => {
  const apiKey = result.apiKey;
  requestAnthropicSummary(defaultPrompt, apiKey);

sendButton.addEventListener('click', () => {['apiKey'], (result) => {
    const apiKey = result.apiKey;
    requestAnthropicSummary(userPrompt.value, apiKey);

in popup.js, store the defaultPrompt at the top level. also, give a HTML format to the anthropic prompt