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A game about saving and loading states.


Root directory launcher application. To be able to launch, install POSIX shell (sh, bash...)

Usage ./L <command> ...args


  • play. Launches the game normally.
    Example: ./L play
  • test. Launches a test. [testing]
    Example: ./L test launcher
  • prof. Profile and print results into the console.

  • jprof. Profile and output the JSON profiling data into prof.json
    (NOTE: Use a flamegraph visualizer, I recommend
  • testall. Launches all tests. [testing]
    Example: ``./L testall ``
  • check. Checks if tests and game compile. Empty output is success.
    Example: ./L check


Testing tooling is provided.

Tests are located in test/ directory, which contains folders with runnable tophat projects. The test will run in the root directory of the project.

Run test

Format: ./L [unit|testbed] test <test_name>. [launching]
Execute ./L test <test_name>. [launching]
Where <test_name> is a name of folder located in test/.
The test will run in the root directory of the project.
The modules are loaded relative to the directory of the test.
To execute unit test or testbed test specifically, use unit or testbed
as specified in the format

Create test

Create a folder within test/ directory.
Create a in the folder you just made.
Write code.

Loading Prefix

TEST_PFX variable will be set to location relative to the root directory of the project.
Make use of test/ to acquire a file loading prefix.
Example: image.load(test::pfx() "cute_rabbit.png"), where "cute_rabbit.png" is relative to the directory of the test.

Coding Style

Follow standard umka coding style:

  • module_name
  • functionName
  • varName
  • constName
  • enumConstName
  • TypeName

Use 2 spaces everywhere for indentation, except Makefiles.

For more information, refer to .editorconfig, make sure to follow the rules.


Exit codes of the program within SAVESCUM code must be any of these: - 134 - Assertion/Programmer error - 551 - Test error - 552 - Script error