I am six-two, a pentester who also loves to write small scripts and programs. I also wrote a couple of MkDocs plugins, since I use it to keep my knowlege base.
You can find my projects on Github, Gitlab, and PyPI.
If you do not trust GitHub's commit signature checks, you can use the GPG commit signing key in this repository. It is used on most of my pre-2024 commits. On my latest computer I switched to using an dedicated SSH key, since it is easier for me to keep secure. But any time I change computers / set them newly up I will need to add a new key. My SSH signing keys are:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBH5Xhot/FD0pmAve1gZyDcvFKTq uIpSCvwOJKflBakXlqRK8lB7hUBz8r0wm1WxMaiBMHP6P1rntTac6zaNvCc= six-two:-Git-Commit-Signing-Key