Starred repositories
短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK…
Improved and configurable drop-in replacement to std::function that supports move only types, multiple overloads and more
RemoveApiSets is a program that can replace the ApiSets Dlls that already depend on ApiSets Dlls with MSVCR14X Dlls
Static reflection for C 17 (compile-time enumeration, attributes, proxies, overloads, template functions, metaprogramming).
A C header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
An interesting open source chat application. Developed with node.js, mongoDB, and react
Next generation noIM application in your own workspace, not only another Slack/Discord/
msvcr14x is a program that allows programs compiled with VC2015 and above not to rely on a bunch of useless API-Ms-win-starting DLLS
FunkyFr3sh / cnc-ddraw
Forked from mvdhout1992/cnc-ddrawGDI, OpenGL and Direct3D 9 re-implementation of the DirectDraw API for classic 2D games for better compatibility with Windows ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, Wine (Linux/macOS/Android) and Virtu…
Provide two well designed and out of box websocket c classes and make your ongoing C project support WebSocket easily.
SkyFireEMU is a full featured World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria emulator written in C . || Compatible with World of Warcraft client 5.4.8 (Build: 18414) Project Established in 2011 || Support o…
PDBRipper is a utility for extract an information from PDB-files.
Complete Open Source and Modular solution for MMO
A lock-free multi-producer multi-consumer ring buffer FIFO queue.
A more stealthy variant of "DLL hollowing"
The high performance c/c coroutine/fiber library for Linux/FreeBSD/MacOS/Windows, supporting select/poll/epoll/kqueue/iouring/iocp/windows GUI
QtNetwork Next Generation. A coroutine based network framework for Qt/C , with more simpler API than boost::asio.
Ravi is a dialect of Lua, featuring limited optional static typing, JIT and AOT compilers
Native API header files for the System Informer project.