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Ent Web UI

Hamed Asghari edited this page Jul 7, 2023 · 6 revisions

Sidekiq Enterprise 1.5.0+ allows for user-defined authorization within the Web UI; you can define rules for whether a given request is allowed to proceed or not.


You define custom authorization logic at the top of your config/routes.rb, like so:

require "sidekiq-ent/web"

Sidekiq::Web.authorize do |env,method,path|
  # env == the Rack env for this request
  # method == "GET", "POST", "DELETE", etc
  # path == env["PATH_INFO"]
  user = nil # you"ll need to define how you get access to the current user

  # non-admins only allowed read-only GET operations
  method == "GET" || user.admin?

Your authentication library will determine how you get access to the current user. If you use a popular authentication library like Devise, Warden, Sorcery, etc, feel free to update this wiki page with how you access the current user.

Devise Example

require "sidekiq-ent/web"

Sidekiq::Web.authorize do |env,method,path|
  session = env["rack.session"]
  warden_key = session["warden.user.user.key"]
  return false unless warden_key && warden_key[0] && warden_key[0][0]
  user = User.find warden_key[0][0]
  user && user.admin?

Clearance Example

require "sidekiq-ent/web"

Sidekiq::Web.authorize do |env, method, path|
  user = env[:clearance].current_user
  user && user.admin?
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