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DMG Bad Apple AV

GameBoy 30 FPS 160x72 (stretched) B/W Video Player

This is a video player for the GameBoy (DMG, CGB and AGB) which is able to play several minutes of black and white video with a maximum resolution of 160x72 (stretched vertically to fill the screen), streamed from the cartridge. The video player engine is also able to simultaneously accomodate for 3-bit stereo sound.

Of course this is yet another implementation of a Bad Apple demo for the GameBoy -- hopefully a sufficiently unique one as at least three have been developed at the time I am writing this (two for DMG, and one for CGB).

You can download more (smaller) pre-built ROMs from the releases section.


The original work for this demo was done in 2016, but I couldn't get the music part sorted. In 2022 I realized there were enough CPU cycles available to handle sound output with the same approach as In 2023 I finally managed to test the demo on real hardware (a CGB) and I was extremely pleased to discover it works perfectly without changes, so I finally can release this!


Three other branches in the repo contain older versions which work slightly differently:

  • chiptune_snd does not have the 3-bit stereo sampled sound, it uses a conventional sound playback engine. The sound track being played has nothing to do with the Bad Apple demo however.

    The code of this version is much less messy and it could be integrated in a game with relative ease. The latest version intentionally doesn't save CPU register state in interrupts, so the main thread is off limits.

  • no_snd doesn't have any sound playback facilities.

  • sampled_snd_4bit is an experimental version that uses the wave channel (channel 3) for sound playback. However it doesn't work very well.

How it works

The key observation that makes this demo possible is that -- with no sprites and tile-aligned scrolling -- there are cumulatively 11364 CPU cycles (T states) available each frame for writing to VRAM. Considering that the GameBoy CPU takes 6 cycles to move a byte from ROM to RAM with the "standard" instruction sequence

ld a,[de]
ld [hl ],a
inc de

there is enough time each frame to move 1894 bytes. A 160x72 1bpp image is 1440 bytes in size, so if we spend all of our time copying bytes we have enough CPU time to play 60 FPS video at this resolution. Of course we also want to have audio playback, and not use too much ROM for the video (at 60 FPS the Bad Apple video uncompressed would be about 18 MB in size...) so a reasonable compromise is to aim for 30 FPS video.

The GameBoy has 6144 bytes of VRAM allocated for character tiles, so we can fit 4 complete 160x72 images in it, allowing us to double-buffer each video frame and completely avoid tearing.

The render loop

If we aim for 30 FPS video, the CPU has two full 60 Hz frames of time to upload a new video frame to VRAM. The GameBoy always uses 2bpp tiles, however, so we need to use some tricks to display a 1bpp image without wasting any extra bytes. I decided use a single bit plane per video frame, as a result the rendering code uploads two frames simultaneously, taking 4 frames of time to do it. The frame currently being shown can be changed simply by changing the current BGP palette.

So, putting everything together, the video rendering works on 8 frame cycles like this:

  • Frames 1, 2: Upload part 1 of frame pair 2, show plane 1 of frame pair 1
  • Frames 3, 4: Upload part 2 of frame pair 2, show plane 2 of frame pair 1
  • Frames 5, 6: Upload part 1 of frame pair 1, show plane 1 of frame pair 2
  • Frames 7, 8: Upload part 2 of frame pair 1, show plane 2 of frame pair 2

The frame upload is done partially in VBlank and partially in HBlank. Sound playback is implemented by updating the master volume register (NR50) at every HBlank interval. To ensure sound still plays during VBlank, the timer interrupt is temporarily enabled for its duration.

Video compression

To ensure the amount of ROM space taken by the video is reasonable, the player uses a delta compression scheme that allows for streaming decompression without employing any additional buffer in RAM. A frame pair (metaframe) can either be compressed or uncompressed.

Uncompressed frames are just the raw bytes of the frame. Compressed frames are a sequence of 4 byte words that consist of an offset byte followed by 3 bytes of actual frame data. The offset byte is just the amount of bytes to skip before copying the 3 following bytes.

Since the VRAM upload kernel writes over the previous frame pair -- not the one currently displayed -- the difference skips one frame pair, making it suboptimal. However it still decreases ROM size considerably. Since it is always possible to fallback to a full frame pair transfer, the compression is fully lossless.

The entire Bad Apple video frame data is just 2.7 MB, while the audio alone is almost exactly 2 MB, totaling 4.7MB. There is just 0.7 MB of video data which bumps the ROM size to 8 MB, a fact that bothers me a little... To allow for smaller ROMs, the player also supports:

  • reducing the frame rate by an arbitrary (possibly fractional) amount
  • reducing the resolution, with two possible configurations (in addition to the default 160x72): 160x64 and 160x56. Note: only 160x72 is tested for the version with audio at the moment. However with smaller video and less frames per second it's less impressive...

TODO list

With improved video compression and by introducing audio compression it should be possible to compress the AV data enough to fit the entire Bad Apple video in 4 MB.

To implement this, we need to get the cycles to handle the more complex compression somewhere. One approach would be to change the render loop to not use interrupts for HBlank/VBlank synchronization, to avoid interrupt enter/exit overhead.

More cycle saving could be obtained by interleaving audio and video data, which also requires re-engineering the compression tools a bit. Using a single stream for both audio and video allows us to halve bank-switching overhead (the current version switches bank at each HBlank!)