S. Song, and J. Xiao. (CVPR2016)
Download CUDA 7.5 and cuDNN 3. You will need to register with NVIDIA.
cd code/marvin
download the processed RGBD data here by runing script:
or run dss_preparedata() to prepare your own data.
download the image and hha images by runing script: downloadData("../image","http://dss.cs.princeton.edu/Release/image/",".tensor"); downloadData("../hha","http://dss.cs.princeton.edu/Release/hha/",".tensor");
You can download the precomputed region proposal for NYU and SUNRGBD dataset by runing script:
downloadData("../proposal","http://dss.cs.princeton.edu/Release/result/proposal/RPN_NYU/",".mat"); downloadData("../proposal","http://dss.cs.princeton.edu/Release/result/proposal/RPN_SUNRGBD/",".mat");
To train 3D region proposal network and extract 3D region proposal cd code/matlab_code/slidingAnchor run dss_prepareAnchorbox() to prepare training data. run RPN_extract() to extract 3D region proposal. You may need the segmentation result here:
Pretrained model and network defination can be found here
- change path in dss_initPath.m;
- run dss_marvin_script(0,100,1,[] ,1,"RPN_NYU",1,[],0,0);
- Pretrained model and network defination can be found here
- If matlab system call fails, you can try to run the command directly.
- The rotation matrixes for some of the images in the dataset are different from the original SUNRGB-D dataset, so that the rotation only contains camera tilt angle (i.e. point cloud does not rotated on the x,y plane). We provide the data in this repo
. All the results and ground truth boxes provided in this repo are using this rotation matrix. To convert the rotation matrix you can reference the code "changeRoomR.m"