This project is an innovative AI-powered SaaS product built with cutting-edge technologies to streamline content creation and management. It empowers users to upload videos and images and leverage the power of artificial intelligence for various transformations.
Image Transformation: Effortlessly transform images into various formats and sizes, perfectly tailored for different social media platforms and website needs. Generate square images for Instagram, cover images for Facebook, banners for Twitter, and more.
Content-Aware Video Previews: Intelligently generate previews that capture the essence of your videos, highlighting the most important moments and ensuring a captivating first impression for viewers.
Video Compression: Optimize video file sizes without sacrificing quality, making videos easier to share and download, improving loading times, and reducing storage requirements.
Intuitive Interface: Enjoy a user-friendly experience with a simple and clean interface that streamlines your workflow.
Powerful AI Integration: Harness the power of artificial intelligence to perform complex tasks effortlessly, maximizing your content creation efficiency.
ReactJS: () A powerful JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
Next.js: () A React framework that simplifies creating server-rendered and statically generated applications, providing a smooth development experience.
Tailwind CSS: () A utility-first CSS framework that offers a robust toolkit for composing responsive and stylish user interfaces.
React DaisyUI: () A UI component library built on top of Tailwind CSS for rapid prototyping and clean interfaces.
TypeScript: () A superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing, improving maintainability and reducing errors. Auth: () A secure and user-friendly solution for implementing signup and signin functionalities in your application.
NeonDB (serverless Postgres): () A serverless PostgreSQL database service that provides scalable and cost-effective storage for your application data.
Prisma ORM: () A powerful object-relational mapping (ORM) tool that simplifies database interactions and enhances developer productivity.
Cloudinary: () A cloud-based platform for managing and optimizing images and videos, offering features like transformation, delivery, and storage.
Next-Cloudinary: () A library that seamlessly integrates Cloudinary with Next.js, enabling efficient image and video management within your application.
dayjs: () A lightweight library for working with dates and times.
lucide-react: () A library for generating icons based on the Lucidi icon pack.
filesizejs: () A library for calculating file sizes in a user-friendly format. Custom API:
The project also incorporate additional custom middleware and API routes to handle specific functionalities tailored to your unique needs.