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TypeScript Types

This document lists some common types in TypeScript and provides examples for each one.


TypeScript has several basic types that you can use to define the static type for variables, function parameters, and return values.


This type represents logical values, such as true or false.

let b: boolean = true;


This type represents numeric values, such as integers and floats.

let n: number = 2;


This type represents text values.

let s: string = 'a string';


This type represents the intentional absence of a value or an empty variable

let x: null = null;


This type represents the absence of a value or an uninitialized variable.

let y: undefined = undefined;


This type represents a unique and immutable identifier that can be used as an object key.

let sym = Symbol();
let obj = {
      [sym]: "value"


This type represents large integer values that cannot be represented by the number type.

let big = 123n;
let big2 = big   456n; // 579n

Special types


A named set of constant values.

enum Color {Red, Green, Blue};
let c: Color = Color.Green;


A type that can represent any value.

let anything: any = 4;
anything = "hello";
anything = true;


A type that can represent any value, but requires type checking before using.

let something: unknown = 4;
something = "hello";
something = true; // need to check the type before using it


A type that represents the absence of any value, usually used for functions that do not return anything.

function log(message: string): void {


A type that represents values that never occur, such as a function that always throws an error or never returns.

function error(message: string): never {
      throw new Error(message);

Object Types


A type that describes the shape of an object, such as its properties and methods. For example:

interface Person {
      name: string;
      age: number;
      greet(): void;


A type that defines an object with a constructor, properties, methods, and inheritance. For example:

class Animal {
      name: string;
      constructor(name: string) { = name;
      makeSound(): void {
      console.log("Generic animal sound");


A collection of values of the same type, either written as type[] or Array.

let list1: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
let list2: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3];


A fixed-length array of values of different types.

let pair: [string, number] = ["Bob", 42];


A type that represents any non-primitive value.

let person: object = {name: "Charlie", age: 25};


A type that represents a callable object with parameters and a return value.

let add: (x: number, y: number) => number = (x, y) => x   y;

Union and intersection


These are types that combine multiple types into one, using the & operator.
For example, A & B is a type that has all the properties of both A and B.

type Person = { name: string; age: number };
type Employee = { id: number; department: string };
type Manager = Person & Employee; // a type that has all the properties of Person and Employee


These are types that allow a value to be one of several types, using the | operator.
For example, A | B is a type that can be either A or B.

type Shape = Circle | Square | Triangle; // a type that can be either Circle, Square, or Triangle


generic: A type that can take a type parameter and reuse it in some way.

function identity<T>(value: T): T {
      return value;

This function can work with any type T and return the same type as the input. It can be called with different types.

let number = identity(42); // T is number
let string = identity("Hello"); // T is string
let array = identity([1, 2, 3]); // T is number[]


These are built-in types that provide some common type transformations, such as Partial, Required, Readonly, etc.


For example: if you have an interface Todo with three properties, you can use Partial to create a type that can have any combination of those properties.

interface Todo {
      title: string;
      description: string;
      completed: boolean;

let todo1: Partial<Todo> = {}; // valid
let todo2: Partial<Todo> = { title: "Learn TypeScript" }; // valid
let todo3: Partial<Todo> = { title: "Learn TypeScript", completed: true }; // valid
let todo4: Partial<Todo> = { title: "Learn TypeScript", priority: 1 }; // invalid, priority is not a property of Todo


For example: if you have an interface Person with two optional properties, you can use Required to create a type that requires both properties.

interface Person {
      name?: string;
      age?: number;

let person1: Required<Person> = {}; // invalid, name and age are required
let person2: Required<Person> = { name: "Alice" }; // invalid, age is required
let person3: Required<Person> = { name: "Alice", age: 21 }; // valid
let person4: Required<Person> = { name: "Alice", age: 21, location: "New York" }; // invalid, location is not a property of Person


For example, if you have an interface Point with two properties, you can use Readonly to create a type that prevents modifying those properties.

interface Point {
      x: number;
      y: number;

let point1: Readonly<Point> = { x: 10, y: 20 }; // valid
point1.x = 15; // invalid, x is readonly
point1.y  ; // invalid, y is readonly
point1.z = 30; // invalid, z is not a property of Point


For example: if you have a function type that returns a number, you can use ReturnType to create a type that is the same as the return type of the function.

type Adder = (a: number, b: number) => number;

let result1: ReturnType<Adder> = 10; // valid
let result2: ReturnType<Adder> = "hello"; // invalid, string is not assignable to number


For example, if you have a function type that takes two parameters of type string and number, you can use Parameters to create a tuple type that represents the parameter types of the function.

type Logger = (message: string, level: number) => void;

let params1: Parameters<Logger> = ["error", 1]; // valid
let params2: Parameters<Logger> = [1, "error"]; // invalid, number is not assignable to string and vice versa

Pick<Type, Keys>

For example: if you have an interface User with four properties, you can use Pick<User, "name" | "email"> to create a type that only has the name and email properties.

interface User {
      name: string;
      email: string;
      password: string;
      role: string;

let user1: Pick<User, "name" | "email"> = {}; // invalid, name and email are required
let user2: Pick<User, "name" | "email"> = { name: "Bob", email: "[email protected]" }; // valid
let user3: Pick<User, "name" | "email"> = { name: "Bob", email: "[email protected]", password: "secret" }; // invalid, password is not a property of Pick<User, "name" | "email">

Omit<Type, Keys>

For example: if you have an interface User with four properties, you can use Omit<User, "password" | "role"> to create a type that excludes the password and role properties.

interface User {
      name: string;
      email: string;
      password: string;
      role: string;

let user1: Omit<User, "password" | "role"> = {}; // invalid, name and email are required
let user2: Omit<User, "password" | "role"> = { name: "Bob", email: "[email protected]" }; // valid
let user3: Omit<User, "password" | "role"> = { name: "Bob", email: "[email protected]", password: "secret" }; // invalid, password is not a property of Omit<User, "password" | "role">

Exclude<Type, ExcludedUnion>

For example: if you have a type Animal with four values, you can use Exclude<Animal, "cat" | "dog"> to create a type that excludes the cat and dog values.

type Animal = "cat" | "dog" | "bird" | "fish";

let animal1: Exclude<Animal, "cat" | "dog"> = "cat"; // invalid, cat is excluded
let animal2: Exclude<Animal, "cat" | "dog"> = "bird"; // valid
let animal3: Exclude<Animal, "cat" | "dog"> = "lion"; // invalid, lion is not a value of Animal

Record<Keys, Type>

For example: if you have a type Color with three values, you can use Record<Color, string> to create an object type that maps each color to a string.

type Color = "red" | "green" | "blue";

let colorMap: Record<Color, string> = {}; // invalid, colorMap must have properties for each color
let colorMap: Record<Color, string> = { red: "#FF0000", green: "#00FF00", blue: "#0000FF" }; // valid
let colorMap: Record<Color, string> = { red: "#FF0000", green: "#00FF00", blue: "#0000FF", yellow: "#FFFF00" }; // invalid, yellow is not a value of Color


This type is meant to model operations like await in async functions, or the .then() method on Promises - specifically, the way that they recursively unwrap Promises

type A = Awaited<Promise<string>>; // A is string
type B = Awaited<Promise<Promise<number>>>; // B is number

Custom type

There are many TypeScript types that are not built-in utility types, but can be defined as custom types using the type keyword and other type operators. Some examples of custom types are:

PickByValue<Type, ValueType>

This type constructs a type by picking the properties from Type that have values of ValueType.

type Test = {
      includeMe: 'a';
      andMe: 'a';
      butNotMe: 'b';
      orMe: 'b';

type PickByValue<T, V> = Pick<T, { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends V ? K : never }[keyof T]>;

type TestA = PickByValue<Test, 'a'>; // { includeMe: "a"; andMe: "a" }

PickByValueExact<Type, ValueType>

This type constructs a type by picking the properties from Type that have values exactly equal to ValueType.

type Test = {
      includeMe: 'a';
      andMe: 'a' as const;
      butNotMe: 'b';
      orMe: 'b' as const;

type PickByValueExact<T, V> = Pick<T, { [K in keyof T]: T[K] === V ? K : never }[keyof T]>;

type TestA = PickByValueExact<Test, 'a'>; // { includeMe: "a" }

OmitByValue<Type, ValueType>

This type constructs a type by picking the properties from Type that do not have values of ValueType.

type Test = {
      includeMe: 'a';
      andMe: 'a';
      butNotMe: 'b';
      orMe: 'b';

type OmitByValue<T, V> = Omit<T, { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends V ? K : never }[keyof T]>;

type TestB = OmitByValue<Test, 'a'>; // { butNotMe: "b"; orMe: "b" }

OmitByValueExact<Type, ValueType>

This type constructs a type by picking the properties from Type that do not have values exactly equal to ValueType.

type Test = {
      includeMe: 'a';
      andMe: 'a' as const;
      butNotMe: 'b';
      orMe: 'b' as const;

type OmitByValueExact<T, V> = Omit<T, { [K in keyof T]: T[K] === V ? K : never }[keyof T]>;

type TestB = OmitByValueExact<Test, 'a'>; // { andMe: "a"; butNotMe: "b"; orMe: "b" }

Intersection<T, U>

This type constructs a type that is the intersection of T and U. It is similar to the built-in & operator, but works with object types.

type A = { x: number; y: number };
type B = { y: string; z: boolean };

type C = A & B; // { x: number; y: number & string; z: boolean }

Diff<T, U>

This type constructs a type that is the difference of T and U. It is similar to the built-in Exclude utility, but works with object types.

type A = { x: number; y: number; z: boolean };
type B = { x: string; z: boolean };

type Diff<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;

type C = Diff<A, B>; // { y: number }

Subtract<T, T1>

This type constructs a type that is T without T1. It is similar to Diff, but preserves optional modifiers.

type A = { x: number; y: number; z: boolean };
type B = { x: string; z: boolean };

type Subtract<T, T1> = Omit<T, keyof T1>;

type C = Subtract<A, B>; // { y: number }

Overwrite<T, U>

This type constructs a type that is T with U overwriting existing properties. It is similar to Intersection, but preserves optional modifiers.

type A = { x: number; y: number; z: boolean };
type B = { x: string; z: boolean };

type Overwrite<T, U> = Omit<T, keyof U> & U;

type C = Overwrite<A, B>; // { x: string; y: number; z: boolean }

Assign<T, U>

This type constructs a type that is T with U merged into it. It is similar to Object.assign(), but works with types.

type A = { x?: number; y?: number };
type B = { x?: string; z?: boolean };

type Assign<T, U> = T & Omit<U, keyof T>;

type C = Assign<A, B>; // { x?: number | undefined; y?: number | undefined; z?: boolean | undefined }


This type constructs a union of all values in an object or array T.

type Person = {
      name: string;
      age: number;

type ValuesType<T> = T[keyof T];

type PersonValues = ValuesType<Person>; // string | number


This type constructs a type consisting of the instance type of constructor function T (built-in).

class Point {
constructor(public x: number, public y: number) {}

type PointInstance = InstanceType<typeof Point>; // Point

let p: PointInstance = new Point(10, 20); // OK


This type constructs a union of all possible variants of an object or array T.

type Person = {
name: string;
age: number;

type Unionize<T> = { [K in keyof T]: { [P in K]: T[P] } }[keyof T];

type PersonUnion = Unionize<Person>; // { name: string } | { age: number }

Brand<T, U>

This type constructs a branded primitive based on T and U. It can be used to create nominal types in TypeScript.

type Brand<T, U> = T & { __brand: U };

type Meter = Brand<number, "Meter">;
type Second = Brand<number, "Second">;

let distance: Meter = 100 as Meter; // OK
let time: Second = 10 as Second; // OK

distance = time; // Error
time = distance; // Error


This type converts a union U to an intersection. It can be used to infer common properties from a union.

type A = { x: number; y: number };
type B = { y: string; z: boolean };

type UnionToIntersection<U> =
(U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never;

type C = UnionToIntersection<A | B>; // { x: number; y: number & string; z: boolean }


These are types that create new types based on the shape of existing types, using a syntax similar to object literals.
For example: { [P in keyof T]: T[P] } is a type that maps over the properties of T and preserves their types.

 // a type that has properties "a", "b", and "c" with values of type number
 type Keys = "a" | "b" | "c";
 type Obj = { [K in Keys]: number };

Indexed access types: These are types that access the type of a property of another type by using the [] notation. They use a syntax like T[K] where T is an object type and K is a key type.

type Person = {
      name: string;
      age: number;

type Name = Person["name"]; // string
type Age = Person["age"]; // number

Index signatures: These are types that declare the types of properties that have not been declared ahead of time. They use a syntax like { [key: K]: T } where K is a string, number, or symbol, and T is any type.

type Dictionary = {
      [key: string]: string; // index signature for string keys

type ArrayLike = {
      [index: number]: any; // index signature for numeric indices

keyof type operator: This is an operator that returns a union of literal types for each property name in an object type. It uses a syntax like keyof T where T is an object type

type Point = {
      x: number;
      y: number;

type Keys = keyof Point; // "x" | "y"

Key remapping via as: This is a feature that allows re-mapping keys in mapped types with an as clause. It uses a syntax like { [P in K as N]: T } where P is a property name, K is a union of property names, N is a new property name, and T is a type.

type Person = {
      name: string;
      age: number;

type UpperPerson = {
      [K in keyof Person as Uppercase<K>]: Person[K]; // { NAME: string; AGE: number }

Guards and conditional types

Type guards

Type guards are a way of narrowing down the type of a variable or a parameter based on some condition. Type guards can help you write more type-safe and robust code by avoiding errors and bugs related to incorrect types.

function printLength(x: any) {
      if (typeof x === "string") {
            // x is narrowed to string
      } else {
            // x is narrowed to exclude string
            console.log("Not a string");


Conditional types are a way of creating types that depend on other types. They use a syntax similar to the ternary operator in JavaScript: T extends U ? X : Y. This means that if type T is assignable to type U, then the conditional type is X, otherwise it is Y.

type IsString<T> = T extends string ? true : false;

type E = IsString<string>; // true
type F = IsString<number>; // false


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