Language cards in the status bar for OSX
Application randomly shows foreign words and translation in a non-interfering way on the OSX statusbar.
Currently words can be imported from plain text files, where words can be separated by dashes (—
) or colons (:
moniker — кличка
commotion — суматоха
father-in-law — тесть, отчим
Note: that hyphen (-
) can be freely used in word or translation.
Once imported file will be re-read from time to time, so any changes in that file will be added to users dictionary.
Already implemented:
- importing files and autorefreshing of text files
- ordering word by views number
- autostart with system
- Preferences dialog for managing datasources, settings and dictionaires.
- Lingualeo integration
- Separation of different languages
Ready build is here. Just copy it in applications folder and run.