This is the authentication service for the Sepia backend which follows a microservice architecture. This service handles any account related requests. Using the login endpoint the client gets back a refresh token (randomly generated UUID) and an access token (signed JWT). The access token can be used to authorize the client for any other request to other services, and the regresh token can be used with this service to grab a new access token.
Install node (the following uses nvm):
curl -o- | bash
nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version
Install MongoDB:
MongoDB installation instructions for Linux
Or if you're running WSL2:
MongoDB installation instructions for WSL
Run the following commands:
sudo systemctl start mongod
node app.js
Install nodemon with npm install -g nodemon
and run the following:
sudo systemctl start mongod
nodemon app.js
sudo service mongodb start
sudo systemctl stop mongod