This project is still in its early stages, and security shouldn"t be a problem, as it isn"t much of a program, rather than an information set.
Version | Supported | Support status |
2021.08.31 | ❌ | Old version, not supported |
2021.10.31 | ✅ | Current version, supported |
< 1.0.0 & > 2021.08.31 | ✅ | Current version set, supported |
v1.0.0 | ✅ | NOT YET RELEASED |
Please instead direct message me via GitHub. If there is no response within 90 days, you can post the vulnerability as an issue, as part of the standard 0 day security exploit reporting guidelines.
If a vulnerability is caused by an outdated dependancy, you can report it publicly, as it usually isn"t that much of a problem.
Other security currently isn"t available. If there are any further questions, @ me privately on GitHub. @seanpm2001
File type: Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)
File version: 1 (2021, Friday, October 1st at 6:20 pm)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 74
Click/tap here to expand/collapse the history for this file
Version 1 (2021, Friday, October 1st at 6:20 pm)
- Started the file
- Added the supported versions section
- Added the version history section
- Added the reporting a vulnerability section
- Added the file info section
- Added the file history section
- No other changes in version 1
Version 2 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 2