This repository contains the demo files and applications for my conference talk Build your own social media analytics with Apache Kafka at the Data on Kubernetes Day @ KubeCon EU 2022. The slides are avaiable at Google Docs.
Install the Strimzi operator. The demo is currently using Strimzi 0.28.0, but it should work also with newer versions. If needed, follow the documentation at
Create a Kubernetes Secret with credentials for your container registry. It should follow the usual Kubernetes format:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: docker-credentials type: data: .dockerconfigjson: Cg==
Register for the Twitter API and create a Kubernetes Secret with the Twitter credentials in the following format:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: twitter-credentials type: Opaque data: consumerKey: Cg== consumerSecret: Cg== accessToken: Cg== accessTokenSecret: Cg==
Deploy the Kafka cluster:
kubectl apply -f 01-kafka.yaml
Once Kafka cluster is ready, deploy the Kafka Connect cluster which will also download the Camel Kafka Connectors for Twitter
kubectl apply -f 02-connect.yaml
The Kafka Connect deployment needs a registry where to push the newly build container image with the additional connectors. You will need to update it to point to your own container registry.
Deploy the Camel Twitter Search connector
kubectl apply -f 10-search.yaml
That should create a topic
and create the Kafka Connect connector which will search Twitter for the term#BYOSMA
and send any tweets it fins into this topic. You can change the search term in the connector configuration (YAML file) -
Deploy the Camel Twitter Timeline connector
kubectl apply -f 11-alerts.yaml
That should create a topic
and consume it. When a message is sent to this topic, it will be sent as a quote retweet by the Twitter account which was used to connect to the API. -
Deploy the Sentiment Analysis applications:
kubectl apply -f 12-sentiment-analysis.yaml
It will read the tweets found by the search connector and do a sentiment analysis of them. If they are positive or negative on more than 60%, it will forward them to the outbox topic. The timeline connector will pick them up from this topic and send them as tweets on your Twitter timeline.
Note: You can also alternatively send the messages as direct messages instead of tweeting them to your timeline.
To do so, edit the Connect deployment in the 02-connect.yaml
file to enable the Camel Twitter Direct Messages connector.
And use the following YAML file to create the connector:
kind: KafkaConnector
name: twitter-alerts
labels: my-connect
class: CamelTwitterdirectmessageSinkConnector
tasksMax: 1
topics: twitter-outbox
# User to send the alert DM to => replace with your Twitter handle
camel.sink.path.user: "<YourTwitterHandle>"
# Twitter account
camel.sink.endpoint.consumerKey: ${env:TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY}
camel.sink.endpoint.consumerSecret: ${env:TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET}
camel.sink.endpoint.accessToken: ${env:TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN}
camel.sink.endpoint.accessTokenSecret: ${env:TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET}
# Converting
key.converter.schemas.enable: false
value.converter.schemas.enable: false
These commands might be useful when playing with the demo:
You can run these against the unsecured listener on port 9095.
Stop the application
Reset the application context
bin/ --bootstrap-servers <brokerAddress> --application-id <applicationId> --execute
Reset the offset
bin/ --bootstrap-server <brokerAddress> --group <applicationId> --topic <sourceTopic> --to-earliest --reset-offsets --execute
Read the inbox topic:
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9095 --from-beginning --topic twitter-inbox
Read the outbox topic:
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9095 --from-beginning --topic twitter-outbox