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Implementation variations of RISC-V for education.

This repository contains an ISA simulator and hardware implementations of the RISC-V instruction set architecture. Concrete the 32-bit integer version (RV32I).

Why Wildcat?

After listening to Andrew's PhD defense I was running in the Wildcat Canyon in Tilden park. A very nice area. The day after, I started with the RV32I simulator.


Prerequisit for this project is a working installation of the RISC-V tools. Chances are high that you can install them with your packet manager (see below).

Furthermore, you need a Java in version >= 8 and < 21 (sbt is broken for Java 21).

To build Wildcat in an FPGA you need either Quartus or Vivado. The repo contains configuration for the Cyclon-IV based DE2-115 and for the Artix 7 based Nexys A7.

To start with Wildcat either fork the project or clone it from here with:

git clone
cd wildcat

Here you can start the ISA simulator executing a simple program with

make app run

That command will assemble a tiny program and run the simulator executing asm/test.s, a small program, which exits with a test pass code (from an old test convention). To run other programs use the environment variable APP. E.g.:

make app run APP=asm/mem.s

More make targets

To generate Verilog code for synthesis, e.g., running a blinking LED:

make APP=asm/apps/blink.s hw

For resource and timing analysis there is a top-level with connections to the instruction and data memory:

make hw-fmax

Tests are run with

make test

Memory Mapping

  • Current memory starts at 0
  • Simulator has a simple text output at address 0xf000_0000
  • LED is mapped to, maybe 0xe000_0000


Here are resource and fmax results for the 3-, 4-, and 5-stages pipeline. We exclude instruction and data memory/cache in the numbers.

Cyclon IV has 4-bit LUTs and the timing info is for the Slow 1200mV 85C Model.

Artix 7 has 6-bit LUTs.

Skywater130 timing info is for max_tt_025C_1v80.

Design (Cyclon IV) Fmax LEs Regs RAM bits
Three stages (regfile FF) 80.2 MHz 3,130 1,295 0
Three stages (regfile mem) 86.2 MHz 1,756 379 2,048
Four stages (regfile FF) 83.9 MHz 3,040 1,367 0
Four stages (regfile mem) 84.5 MHz 1,727 451 2,048
Five stages (regfile FF) 78.4 MHz 3,107 1,438 0
Five stages (regfile mem) 75.7 MHz 1,813 522 2,048
Design (Artix 7) Fmax LCs Regs RAM bits
Three stages (regfile FF) 99.6 MHz 1,744 1,329 0
Three stages (regfile mem) 112.3 MHz 1,270 303 0
Four stages (regfile FF) 107.5 MHz 1,551 1,438 0
Four stages (regfile mem) 111.2 MHz 993 442 0
Five stages (regfile FF) 106.1 MHz 1,724 1,511 0
Five stages (regfile mem) 102.0 MHz 1,158 515 0
Design (Skywater130) Fmax Size
Three stages (regfile FF) 81.2 MHz 429 x 432 umm2
Four stages (regfile FF) 73.2 MHz 433 x 438 umm2
Five stages (regfile FF) 69.5 MHz 439 x 443 umm2

For the FPGA designs we explore flip-flops (FF) and on-chip memory (mem) for the register file. For the ASIC design we use flip-flops only. It is estimated that the register file dominates the area in the ASIC design.

The memory based register file is implemented with distributed LUT RAMs in the Artix. Therefore, the number of bits in block RAMs is zero.

RISC-V Tools

Tools on MacOS

Use brew to install gcc:

brew tap riscv-software-src/riscv 
brew install riscv-gnu-toolchain --with-NOmultilib

Tools on Ubuntu:

Should be best installed with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install -y gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf

Build from source

If you want to compiler them from source, here are some notes:

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc
git clone
cd riscv-tools
git submodule update --init --recursive
export RISCV=$HOME/riscv-tools/local

Then add the tools to your PATH in .bashrc or .profile with:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/riscv-tools/local/bin

See also: RISC-V Ubuntu Setup


There are several RISC-V projects around. As a starting point:

  • Rocket Chip the Berkeley processor including the tools (e.g., compiler)
  • YARVI a RISC-V implementation in Verilog. Probably the first publicly available implementation that is synthesizabe for an FPGA.

Note Collection

Scribbles related to RISC-V projects and tools: