Vehicle Insurance System is a Web Application developed using Spring MVC and Hibernate. The goal of the application is to provide a dashboard to the Insurance company where they can keep track of their customers.
- Admin Role
- User Role
- Admin Role
Admin is responsible for managing the users, insurance, vehicle details and also search the user details based in name, licence number and plate number.
- User Role
User can search other users and view their details.
- User module
- Insurance module
- Vehicle module
- Search module
- User Module
User module contains the user details like name, password, gender, nationality, role and licence no and admin can only add/create the users. Admin can also edit and delete the users later.
- Insurance Module
Insurance module contains the insurance details like insurance provider, insurance number, insurance validity and user id. Admin can add the insurance details to each user. Admin can also edit and delete the insurance later.
- Vehicle Module
Vehicle module contains the vehicle details like type, color, plate number, registration date and user id. Admin can add the vehicle details to each user. Admin can also edit and delete the vehicle later.
- Search Module
Search module allows the user and admin to search the user details based on the name, licence number and plate number.
- Java 1.8
- Spring MVC 4.3.6
- Hibernate 5.2.7
- Spring Security 4.2.8
- Apache tomcat 8.0
- Maven 3.1
- JSTL taglib 1.2
- Bootstrap 3
- jQuery 3
- jQuery datatables
- Eclipse oxygen
- Java EE 8.0
Clone the application
git clone
Create a MySQL Database
create database vis
Create tables or Run the SQL Script File
CREATE TABLE authorities( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, authority VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ); insert into authorities(id,authority) values(1,'ROLE_ADMIN'); insert into authorities(id,authority) values(2,'ROLE_USER'); CREATE TABLE tbl_user( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, gender VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, nationality VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, licence VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, authority_id INT, FOREIGN KEY(authority_id) REFERENCES authorities(id) ); CREATE TABLE tbl_insurance( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, provider VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, insurance_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, valid_date VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, user_id INT, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES tbl_user(id) ); CREATE TABLE tbl_vehicles( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, source VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, category VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, plate_number VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, manufacture VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, color VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, registration_date VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, pending_fines VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, user_id INT, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES tbl_user(id) );
Change MySQL Username and Password as per your MySQL Installation
file. -
as per your installation
Build and Run the application
mvn spring:run
Add the Admin Credentials
insert into tbl_user(name, password, gender, nationality, licence, authority_id) values('admin','$2a$10$hbxecwitQQ.dDT4JOFzQAulNySFwEpaFLw38jda6Td.Y/cOiRzDFu','Male','Indian','LIC123',1);
NOTE: password - admin@123
The server will start on port 8080. Open the browser and type the url http://localhost:8037/vis
to access the application.
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If you find any difficulty in installing the application then reach me @ Bushan Sirgur