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Dynamic library providing API to EVM executor

Start development

  • Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:sbip-sg/tevm.git
  • Run test in tinyevm
  • For unit tests, run
make test
  • For Rust APIs benchmark test, run
make bench

How to test the underline REVM

How to contribute

  • Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:sbip-sg/tinyevm.git
  • Create a fork for the task you are working on
cd tinyevm
git checkout -b [name-of-your-fork]

Continue working on this fork, commit as often as you like. When you feel like it's ready to merge, create a PR on github to request merging your fork to develop.

After PR is appproved, please merge your changes to develop:

  • If there is no conflict, you can merge the changes directly on github
  • In case there are any conflicts preventing the merge, follow these steps
    • git fetch --all
    • git merge origin/develop
    • Resolve all the conflicts, after testing, make another commit and you can continue merging the changes.
  • After squashing and mering the PR, delete your branch.

Sample usage

# todo add a python example

You can find example usage in Python in the example/ folder.

Example files:

├── C.hex                          # Bytecode for contract C as hex
├──        # Sample bug-detection in Python
├──                     # Sample code in Python
├── int_cast_0.5.0.hex             # Bytecode for contract IntCast as hex compiled with solc version 0.5.0
├── int_cast_0.8.0.hex             # Bytecode for contract IntCast as hex compiled with solc version 0.8.0
├── int_cast.sol                   # Source code for the IntCast contract
├── tx_origin.hex                  # Bytecode for contract TxOrigin as hex compiled with solc version 0.8.12
├── tx_origin.sol                  # Source code for the TxOrigin contract
├── calls_trace.hex                # Bytecode for contract `sample` as hex compiled with solc version 0.7.0
├── call_trace.sol                 # Source code for the `sample` contract for call tracing test
├── block_hash.sol                 # Source code for the `BHash` contract for blockhash test
├── block_hash.hex                 # Bytecode for contract `BHash` as hex compiled with solc version 0.7.0
├── test_tod.sol                   # Source code for testing SSLOAD/SSTORE instrumentation
├── test_tod.hex                   # Bytecode for the tet contract in test_tod.sol
├── balance.sol                    # Source code for the `Balance` contract for balance get/set test
├── balance.hex                    # Bytecode for contract `Balance` as hex compiled with solc version 0.7.0
├── self_destruct.sol              # Source code for the `Des` contract for SELFDESTRUCT detection
├── self_destruct.hex              # Bytecode for contract `Des` as hex compiled with solc 0.8.10
├── contract_creation.sol          # Source code for testing code coverage calculated with program counter
├── contract_creation_B.hex        # Bytecode for contract `B` in contract_creation.sol
├── deploy_with_args_and_value.hex # Bytecode for contract DeployWithArgsAndValue as hex compiled with solc version 0.7.0
├── deploy_with_args_and_value.sol # Source code for the `DeployWithArgsAndValue` contract for testing contract with constructor arguments
├── ...

The contract C used in this example is compiled from data_structures.sol.

Python Module

Local development

  • Clean up the previous build

    make clean
  • Install development dependencies

    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  • Build and install the Python library

    maturing develop
  • Run test, this will run the Rust test first, install the development version of TinyEVM and run the Python tests

    make test

Build and release Python library

  • The following command will build a whl file inside target/wheels folder
    maturin build --release
    # or to compile for python 3.9
    maturin build --release -i 3.9
  • You can install this file with pip command
    pip install target/wheels/*.whl --force-reinstall

Here's the corrected version:

Cache Web3 Requests to Redis

By default, requests to the Web3 endpoints are cached in the file system. If you wish to use Redis as the cache, compile with the provider_cache_redis flag:

maturin build --release -i 3.9 --cargo-extra-args="--features provider_cache_redis"

Additionally, you must set the environment variable TINYEVM_REDIS_NODE to a valid Redis endpoint.


Global snapshot benchmarks

To run the test:

maturing develop --release
pytest -s --show-capture all    tests/
  • Results from legacy Tinyevm (using instrumented REVM) commit 839b0b8822702b49096bc2bf3f092c7a1aab13a3:
============================================================================================================= test session starts ==============================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.7, pytest-7.2.2, pluggy-1.0.0
benchmark: 4.0.0 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /home/garfield/projects/sbip-sg/tinyevm
plugins: cov-4.1.0, web3-5.31.2, hypothesis-6.82.0, anyio-3.6.2, benchmark-4.0.0, xdist-3.3.1
collected 5 items


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 4 tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms)                                                             Min                 Max                Mean             StdDev              Median                IQR            Outliers     OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_global_snapshot[x_fns2-True-fastseq no snapshot]                    118.6619 (1.0)      124.2569 (1.0)      122.1113 (1.0)       1.7266 (1.0)      122.0048 (1.0)       1.8421 (1.0)           2;1  8.1892 (1.0)           8           1
test_global_snapshot[x_fns0-False-fastseq take and restore snapshot]     123.2069 (1.04)     131.6260 (1.06)     126.0777 (1.03)      3.4155 (1.98)     124.7658 (1.02)      5.4766 (2.97)          2;0  7.9316 (0.97)          8           1
test_global_snapshot[x_fns1-False-slowseq take and restore snapshot]     448.7344 (3.78)     490.6087 (3.95)     466.8714 (3.82)     18.1452 (10.51)    456.7645 (3.74)     29.2119 (15.86)         1;0  2.1419 (0.26)          5           1
test_global_snapshot[x_fns3-True-slowseq no snapshot]                    453.6979 (3.82)     516.7671 (4.16)     473.7815 (3.88)     25.0584 (14.51)    463.8226 (3.80)     25.1137 (13.63)         1;0  2.1107 (0.26)          5           1
  • Results from the current branch:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ benchmark: 4 tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms)                                                             Min                 Max                Mean            StdDev              Median               IQR            Outliers      OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_global_snapshot[x_fns2-True-fastseq no snapshot]                     95.1790 (1.0)      101.4989 (1.0)       97.1787 (1.0)      2.3811 (1.0)       96.0393 (1.0)      2.9408 (1.0)           2;0  10.2903 (1.0)          10           1
test_global_snapshot[x_fns0-False-fastseq take and restore snapshot]     101.7576 (1.07)     111.5388 (1.10)     106.1005 (1.09)     2.9359 (1.23)     106.2893 (1.11)     4.1448 (1.41)          3;0   9.4250 (0.92)         10           1
test_global_snapshot[x_fns1-False-slowseq take and restore snapshot]     315.4810 (3.31)     337.3184 (3.32)     327.1796 (3.37)     8.0853 (3.40)     329.3743 (3.43)     9.8087 (3.34)          2;0   3.0564 (0.30)          5           1
test_global_snapshot[x_fns3-True-slowseq no snapshot]                    315.5748 (3.32)     328.8318 (3.24)     321.7635 (3.31)     5.0368 (2.12)     321.1631 (3.34)     7.1114 (2.42)          2;0   3.1079 (0.30)          5           1