Contact me if you want to collaborate on pushing the boundary of NLP-driven People Analytics
🔴 About me
- Background : computer science and machine learning
- Skillset: strong programming skills and 8 years of experience in computational research
- Deep understanding of data analytics from theoretical as well as more applied perspective.
- Developed new machine learning tools that allow more intuitive visualization of the data.
- Developed a cloud-based AI-powered platform that not only extracts insights from data without any manual intervention, but also allows generation of new investigation leads.
🔴 Technologies I have worked on
- python | scipy | pandas | igraph
- PHP | JSP | Visual Basic | C#
- Google AppScript | BashScript | VBA - Scripting
- Java Script | D3.js | CSS | Material Design Library | Bootstrap
- django
- Apache Sever | Google App Engine | AWS Simple Email Service
- SendGrid | Google Cloud APIs | Coinbase Pro
🔴 Companies I have worked with
- Microsoft (as vendor) | Software and IT
- Tata Consultancy Services Ltd | Software and IT
- IIT Bombay | Academic Institute
- LTRI | Research Institute
- TandemLaunch Inc | Startup Foundary
🔴 Courses I have studied
- In class: Distributed and Concurrent Systems | Systems Theory | Game Theory and information
- Coursera: People Analytics | Tensor Flow Specialization | Machine Learning Specialization