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ULIP-2: Towards Scalable Multimodal Pre-training For 3D Understanding (CVPR2024)

ULIP: Learning a Unified Representation of Language, Images, and Point Clouds for 3D Understanding (CVPR2023)

Official implementation of ULIP-2: Towards Scalable Multimodal Pre-training For 3D Understanding

Official implementation of ULIP: Learning a Unified Representation of Language, Images, and Point Clouds for 3D Understanding

Project Website


[02/26/2024] "ULIP-2: Towards Scalable Multimodal Pre-training For 3D Understanding is accepted to CVPR2024!"

[06/09/2023] "PointBERT ULIP-2 pretrained model released, please find it in the here".

[06/09/2023] A smaller version of "ULIP - ShapeNet Triplets" are released at here, it's around 420GB now. Check this image folder "only_rgb_depth_images", you can choose to download this subset of rendered images, which are the exact images leveraged by ULIP instead of downloading the full "rendered_images" folder (more than 1TB).

[05/22/2023] "ULIP - Objaverse Triplets" and "ULIP - ShapeNet Triplets" have been uploaded here.

[05/14/2023] ULIP-2 has been released!

[02/28/2023] ULIP has been accepted by CVPR 2023! 🔥🔥🔥


Pipeline Animation

What is ULIP

ULIP is a Model-agnostic Multimodal Pre-training Framework, which can leverage information from other modalities (Images, Language) to improve the ability to understand 3D data without introducing any extra latency.


Overall Pipeline


ULIP is a highly extensible multimodal pre-training framework, and it's model-architecture agnostic, meaning you can easily plug in any 3D backbone models and pre-train it using our framework to get a jump-start for various downstreaming tasks!

[Install environments]

We pre-train ULIP on 8 Nvidia A100 GPUs, the code is tested with CUDA==11.0 and pytorch==1.10.1
conda create -n ulip python=3.7.15
conda activate ulip
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to pre-train PointNeXt, we embed a modified PointNeXt codebase inside the ./models/pointnext, please do the following to install it:

cd ./models/pointnext/PointNeXt \
bash \
bash \

[Download datasets and initialize models, put them in the right paths.]

Download the used datasets and initialize models from here. For now, you ONLY need to download "initialize_models", "modelnet40_normal_resampled", and "shapenet-55". You might need a gmail account to access it.
After you download the datasets and initialize models, you can choose one of the following options:
(1) Put it in or do a soft link to the data folder, by default the data folder should have the following structure:

./data |
-- ModelNet40.yaml |
-- ShapeNet-55.yaml |
-- |
-- dataset_catalog.json |
-- initialize_models |
-- labels.json |
-- modelnet40_normal_resampled |
-- shapenet-55 |
-- templates.json

(2) Change the paths accordingly (optional to do if you don't want to put/link downloaded files in the data folder):

# Change the "DATA_PATH", "PC_PATH", "IMAGE_PATH"
# Change the "DATA_PATH"
# Change the initialize_models address
Modify this line "pretrain_slip_model = torch.load('./data/initialize_models/', map_location=torch.device('cpu'))"

[Pre-train 3D backbones]

Our framework is model architecture agonistic, currently four 3D backbones are supported:

Please change the script to accommodate your system accordingly, this script is used to pre-train on 8 gpus by default. You can also modify the desired output folder in the script.

# the scripts are named by its correspoinding 3D backbone name.
bash ./scripts/(choose your pre-train script)

[Test pre-trained models for zero-shot classification on ModelNet40]

You may also change the output path in the scripts as well.

bash ./scripts/(choose your test script) /path/to/your/

You may also change the output path in the scripts as well.

[Pre-train & Test using different number of points]

Change the npoints argument in the scripts, by default its 8192.
Note: Currently we use FPS to subsample the 8192 points, which might slow down the training speed. If you'd like, you can choose to cache or save the pre-processed datasets with different number of points to speed up your pre-training.

[Pre-train your customized 3D backbones]

There are only two things you need to change to pre-train your own customized 3D backbones:
(1) Define your own 3D backbone in ./models folder.
We put a template "customized_backbone" here, you can refer to the comments to see the expected input and output shapes. You can also refer to how pointnet2 is defined here.
(2) Use or modify this "ULIP_CUSTOMIZED" class in ./models/
Please refer to the comments in "ULIP_CUSTOMIZED" class, it should be straightforward to follow, and please be sure to change the "pc_feat_dims" accordingly (since we are agnostic to the point cloud output feature dimensions of your customized 3D backbones).

Pre-trained models for zero-shot classification

Zero-shot classification on ModelNet40, 8k points pre-train, 8k points test, best checkpoint:

model top1 top5
Pointnet2(ssg) 57.7 78.9
PointMLP 60.0 79.4
PointBERT 60.3 84.0
PointNeXt 56.2 77.0
PointBERT_ULIP-2(xyz input) 75.6 93.7


More supported backbones will be released soon.

License and term of use for the released pre-train datasets

The code is under

The released "ULIP - Objaverse Triplets" is under, consistent with Objaverse's license.

The released "ULIP - ShapeNet Triplets" is under the terms of use from, consistent with ShapeNet's terms of use.


  title={ULIP: Learning Unified Representation of Language, Image and Point Cloud for 3D Understanding},
  author={Xue, Le and Gao, Mingfei and Xing, Chen and Mart{\'\i}n-Mart{\'\i}n, Roberto and Wu, Jiajun and Xiong, Caiming and Xu, Ran and Niebles, Juan Carlos and Savarese, Silvio},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05171},
  title={ULIP-2: Towards Scalable Multimodal Pre-training for 3D Understanding}, 
  author={Le Xue and Ning Yu and Shu Zhang and Junnan Li and Roberto Martín-Martín and Jiajun Wu and Caiming Xiong and Ran Xu and Juan Carlos Niebles and Silvio Savarese},



If you have any question about this project, please contact [email protected]


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