A simple LRU cache supporting O(1) set, get and eviction of old keys
Fork of lru
to remove dependency on events
$ npm install nanolru
var LRU = require("nanolru");
var cache = new LRU(2)
cache.set("foo", "bar");
cache.get("foo"); //=> bar
cache.set("foo2", "bar2");
cache.get("foo2"); //=> bar2
cache.set("foo3", "bar3"); // "foo" evicted
cache.get("foo3"); // => "bar3"
cache.remove("foo2") // => "bar2"
cache.remove("foo4") // => undefined
cache.length // => 1
cache.keys // => ["foo3"]
cache.length // => 0
cache.keys // => []
Create a new LRU cache that stores length
elements before evicting the least recently used.
Optionally you can pass an options map with additional options:
max: maxElementsToStore,
maxAge: maxAgeInMilliseconds
If you pass maxAge
items will be evicted if they are older than maxAge
when you access them.
Returns: the newly created LRU cache
The number of keys currently in the cache.
Array of all the keys currently in the cache.
Set the value of the key and mark the key as most recently used.
Returns: value
Query the value of the key and mark the key as most recently used.
Returns: value of key if found; undefined
Query the value of the key without marking the key as most recently used.
Returns: value of key if found; undefined
Remove the value from the cache.
Returns: value of key if found; undefined
Clear the cache.
Original library by Chris O"Hara. A big thanks to Dusty Leary who finished the library.