This is a rough port of the frontend editor from Ward Cunninghams Smallest Federated Wiki ( modified to use PARC's Content Centric Networking ( as a transport medium for pages via UCLA's NDN-js ( Pages are stored locally in the clients IndexedDB using IDB-Wrapper( and synced on page update action.
- Install CCNx via in /server/express/bin (must run make, and make install seperatelly)
- Install Node.js to run the server (
- run npm install in server/express
- run 'npm install node-getopt ws'
for Developers:
- Grunt is used to automate coffeescript compilation of client: "npm install -g grunt-cli" "grunt watch" in client directory
- "npm install" in the client directory
Running the Server:
- in bash: 'ccndstart'
- in server/express: node ./bin/server.js
Optional flags: -p (port) default 3000