A small repo to test and verify a potential WASM issue.
Reported here in hive_ce
: IO-Design-Team/hive_ce#46
And here in flutter
: flutter/flutter#186300
This issue is now solved with a small addition in a used GitHub fork of
package here https://github.com/rydmike/hive_ce.
The sample provided here is now working as expected.
All info below is kept for reference.
When saving key-value pair to a Hive box in a Flutter WASM web build, the of types int
, int?
and double?
are not type converted correctly when retrieving values from the Hive box, that uses WEB IndexedDB for the locally persisted data.
When building the same code using native Dart VM build as target or more relevant, when building with JavaScript as target, the type conversions all work as expected.
This issue covers the two other WASM issues mentioned here #159375 that were discussed with @kevmoo in a video meeting Nov 18, 2024. A reproduction sample and issue in the Flutter repo was requested by Kevin during the meeting.
The reproduction sample is provided in a separate repository here: https://github.com/rydmike/hive_wasm_case
The sample uses the hive_ce
package that on web builds persists key-value pairs in the WEB browser IndexedDB. The hive_ce
package is a community fork of the original hive
package, that has been modified to work with Flutter Web WASM builds, by using package:web
instead of html
The package works as expected when building for Web JS target with no --wasm
option, but when building with --wasm
option, the here presented type conversion issues are present.
As the hive_ce
package is used, the issue has also been reported to package maintainer here IO-Design-Team/hive_ce#46.
While it is possible that the issue is in the package, it is worth stating that hive_ce
works as expected on native VM and Web JS builds, and for the WASM build it uses the same package:web
primitives as the Flutter Web JS build, that works correctly and as expected.
Expect retrieving int
, int?
and double?
values to work, when values of known saved types are loaded and converted back their original types.
Build and run the sample code using WEB target in Chrome browser. Open up developer tools, show the console.
Hit the (Increase values and save to DB) button to add some key-value pairs to the IndexedDB for local storage.
We can verify that the values have been persisted as expected in comparing console log debug prints and values persisted in browser IndexedDB.
Next hit refresh page on the browser, an empty start page is shown, then hit the (Load values from DB) button, to load values from the IndexedDB.
Same values as before are loaded and printed to the console without any errors.
This works the same way on all native VM platform builds and WEB JS builds and on ALL Flutter channels. We expect the same results in a WEB WASM build.
Let's repeat this process again, but this time we build for web target with --wasm
The sample app header will change confirming that the build is for web target with WASM-GC being used, the app will also run with a red theme, indicating this will have some issues.
Again open up developer tools, show the console.
Hit the (Increase values and save to DB) button to add some key-value pairs to the IndexedDB for local storage.
We can again verify that the values have been persisted as expected by checking the console.
Next clear the console and then hit (Load values from DB) button.
We can see that the saved value that had type nullable double double?
, threw an exception error when trying to convert it back to double.
In this sample code, an attempt was made to try handle the error before it is thrown, by checking for the conditions that seem to trigger it and work around it:
// We should catch the 2nd issue here, but we do not see it in this
// if branch, we should see the debugPrint, but we do not see it.
// We get a caught error in the catch block instead.
} else if (App.isRunningWithWasm && storedValue != null &&
isNullableDoubleT && defaultValue == null) {
' WASM Error : Expected double? but thinks T is int, '
'returning as double: $storedValue',
final double loaded = storedValue as double;
return loaded as T;
However, the attempts to do so did not work as expected, and the error was thrown and caught in the catch block instead.
Store LOAD ERROR ********
Error message ...... : Type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'double?' in type cast
Store key .......... : D: doubleNullable
Store value ........ : 0.1
defaultValue ....... : null
If we add a stacktrace to the error message, can get some additional information:
Stacktrace ......... :
at module0._TypeError._throwAsCheckError (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[921]:0x244e22)
at module0._asSubtype (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[975]:0x245c0d)
at module0.StorageServiceHive.load inner (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[15615]:0x36e600)
at module0.StorageServiceHive.load (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[15607]:0x36e1d0)
at module0._MyHomePageState._loadCounters inner (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[15602]:0x36e03b)
at module0._awaitHelper closure at org-dartlang-sdk:///dart-sdk/lib/_internal/wasm/lib/async_patch.dart:95:5 (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[19862]:0x3c6172)
at module0.closure wrapper at org-dartlang-sdk:///dart-sdk/lib/_internal/wasm/lib/async_patch.dart:95:5 trampoline (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[19867]:0x3c6213)
at module0._RootZone.runUnary (http://localhost:55415/main.dart.wasm:wasm-function[1561]:0x24e333)
Next comes an interesting twist.
Next hit refresh page on the browser, empty start page is shown, and hit (Load values from DB) button again.
This time we get more errors!
In the sample reproduction code there is a special condition to catch this issue without throwing an error:
// Add workaround for hive WASM returning double instead of int, when
// values saved to IndexedDb were int.
// In this reproduction sample we see this FAIL triggered ONLY when
// loading the values from the DB without having written anything to it
// first. We can reproduce this issue by running the sample as WASM build
// hitting Increase button a few times, then hot restart the app or
// reload the browser and hit Load Values. We then hit this issue.
// Without this special if case handling, we would get an error thrown.
// This path is never entered on native VM or JS builds.
} else
if (App.isRunningWithWasm &&
storedValue != null &&
(storedValue is double) &&
(defaultValue is int || defaultValue is int?)) {
final T loaded = storedValue.round() as T;
' ** WASM Error : Expected int but got double, '
'returning as int: $loaded',
return loaded;
We can see that in this case when the values are loaded from the IndexedDB, the int
values are not type converted correctly, because they are for some reason returned as "1.0" instead of "1", as they were before re-loading the web app and starting it again.
We can again check that values are actually persisted in the IndexedDB and that the values are correct, they are "1" and not "1.0" as returned when loading the values from the IndexedDB when starting the app without having saved anything to it first.
If we hit (Increase values and save to DB) button again and update the int
values to 2, and hit (Load values from DB) again, we can see that the values are now loaded as "2" as they should be, and not "2.0".
Again if we restart the app with a page refresh (or Flutter hot restart), the int
values are again returned as "2.0" and not "2".
It is worth noticing that issue 1) is present all the time, but the second issue 2) with int
being returned as double
is only present when loading values from the IndexedDB, without having written anything to it first after starting the app, it seem like if you write something to it after opening the DB, the read values will be returned with the correct int
Used Flutter version: Channel master Channel master, 3.27.0-1.0.pre.621
It reproduces on beta and stable 3.24.5 too.
Flutter doctor
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